Sat Apr 22 05:48:04 EDT 2017
All right, so the morning question is: should I do a review of yesterday since I didn't do one last night?
I think the answer is yes.
At the very least, it's good I didn't go straight to playing Legend of Zelda. That's real good. I want to do some stuff first. I also haven't visited any explicit time-wasting sites yet. Let's keep these things going.
I may go eat something first.
Sat Apr 22 05:56:58 EDT 2017
Something eaten.
Sat Apr 22 06:03:01 EDT 2017
Let's reread my previous diary entries a bit.
Yesterday Review
Sat Apr 22 06:13:34 EDT 2017
Current editor: VSCode
Future editors and IDEs being considered:
- Atom
- Wing IDE
Current weight: 217 lbs
Exercise of the day:
- about 8 pull ups across 3 sets
Skipped dancing and stretching yesterday. I should probably start exercising around 1000 EDT today to make sure I don't repeat that mistake. I have been pretty good about dancing. Not so good about stretching. When I feel good, I don't feel like stretching, but I feel good from past weeks of stretching.
Eating habits: lots of Life cereal.
- One episode of Bob's Burgers
- One episode of Rick and Morty
- Two episodes of Elementary
- Bad Moms
Listened to:
- Digibro After Dark, random content
- A few posts of Daylight Atheism's review of Ayn Rand's "The Foutainhead"
- Today's Love Joy Feminism post
- Planning when to do initial coding tests for job interviews
- Did small step in Django site
Scattered Thoughts I Remember Having Throughout the Day
Writing this while reading my last scattered thoughts from my last end-of-day review... which is already ten days ago. I just need to work on doing reviews more often.
Need to be more consistent about pull ups! Decided to have my watch beep every hour in the hopes that I'll go do pull ups every time I hear the beep. May also use that hour beep to remind myself to note some random stuff in my diary.
Want to go back to eating one meal a day, but I'm not there yet. I'm making progress on it, though.
I am considering just straight-up writing "scripts" or script drafts for videos I want to make in these diary entries. Perhaps world-building for some fiction I'd like to flesh out if not actually create.
Plan for Today
Sat Apr 22 06:32:09 EDT 2017
I woke up around 0530 EDT, and now it's 0630 EDT. I have my lil' cousins coming over today at some point, and at that point, I probably won't be on the computer for the rest of the day. I also probably won't have any chances to play Zelda, but I can dance while they're here, as they like to dance along.
I'm going to go ask when they'll be arriving.
Sat Apr 22 06:35:07 EDT 2017
They'll be arriving "around noon".
That means I have 5.5 hours of time that could be reasonably time-blocked. The next 10 minutes can be devoted to planning those 5.5 hours.
After this planning, I will devote 2 hours towards the website project. That should be enough time to get everything I need to do before implementing proper users done. And then I can plan on implementing users and using an actual database (well, sqlite3) and stuff sometime next week (Sunday/Monday I'll be doing coding interview stuff).
I'll stop working on website stuff around 0900. I can take a 15 minute break before doing something else. At 0915, I can install Wing IDE and start messing with it and also start playing with pygame again. I'll allot 2 hours to that, but maybe only have energy for 1 hour. I'm severely out of practice focusing, after all.
It'll be about 1115 at this point. I can do an end-of-day review and also plan the rest of the day with the expectation of goofing around with the lil' cousins.
Sat Apr 22 06:47:02 EDT 2017
I was a bit cold so I spent some time under a blanket. Time to work on website. Notes here should be sporadic for the next couple hours (though, when my watch beeps I'll list what exercises I did and maybe some scattered thoughts).
Sat Apr 22 06:59:58 EDT 2017
0700 alarm! Time to do some exercises and jot down some thoughts.
First things first: pull ups.
Sat Apr 22 07:01:38 EDT 2017
Did three pull ups.
Now: plank.
Sat Apr 22 07:05:31 EDT 2017
1 minute 30 second plank. Could've went longer but goal right now isn't to push myself, just to build habit. This has reminded me that I like to listen to music while working. And considering the fact that my uncle is watching news upstairs, this is a good idea for drowning out outside noise.
Sat Apr 22 07:07:14 EDT 2017
Current mood: feeling focused. Feeling pretty good about the work I'm doing. I'm just cleaning up some code for proper use. It was a shell script, want to use it to render some stuff to HTML. Switching print statements to list construction. Simple work, good warmup to difficult stuff if difficult stuff starts happening.
At some point I'm going to want to write tests.
Sat Apr 22 08:19:07 EDT 2017
Got sucked into task, ignored beeping watch. Will now do the hourly exercise and thinking.
Sat Apr 22 08:27:52 EDT 2017
3 pullups (last pullup was really hard and not quite complete, though).
Stretched my calves.
Updated project friend on project progress.
Thinking a bit about what I want to do next.
Sat Apr 22 08:40:39 EDT 2017
Looking into Yodlee a bit to see if I would want to use it. I think it's too soon to think about it.
Sat Apr 22 08:40:59 EDT 2017
I think maybe I should do specific stretches at every hour mark (like how I'm doing pullups every time) to work on flexibility I want. For example, I'd like to do both types of splits eventually, so maybe I should do stretches related to achieving that every hour.
Sat Apr 22 08:41:56 EDT 2017
The next step on my web project is going to take some actual thought and design. Also some research into JavaScript libraries (specifically D3, I think).
Sat Apr 22 08:49:34 EDT 2017
Taking break early. I'm cold and people are upstairs who I can hang with.
Sat Apr 22 09:23:24 EDT 2017
Watched some Discovery Channel with my aunt. It was something I've seen before, a long time ago. Pretty neat.
Sat Apr 22 09:34:25 EDT 2017
Wing IDE play will have to start later, I don't know which version the person I'm working with is using, and I want to use the same version as him to maximize ability to help.
Sat Apr 22 09:49:51 EDT 2017
I think I'll play some Zelda after my 1000 EDT exercise.
Sun Apr 23 07:30:50 EDT 2017
The day went well and mostly according to plan. Review in tomorrow's post.