Sat Aug 19 19:47:37 UTC 2017
It's time for Seattle Indies Meetup again. I came about an hour late and have actually been here for about an hour doing some vim setup.
That's right, back to vim, Stephan. Though, my mentor at work uses VSCode, so I will continue using it as well. I don't see much harm in doing both, and at work I can adopt my mentor's methodology before paving my owh path as far as editor usage goes.
Sat Aug 19 19:52:15 UTC 2017
In any case, today I'm at the meetup with my work laptop to start working on my idea for a Japanese study helper. I'll be shoving it somewhere on this site, so expect a url sooner or later.
Today's goal is to take Japanese text input and split that text into sentences, words, and characters to learn. The general goal is that the user can decide what parts of Japanese to learn based on what they want to consume, and once they have learned/memorized the right things, they can try to consume that very thing.
Unique words within a given piece of media isn't usually that high, so it's much less daunting to work towards consuming a piece of media then being generally able to consume all media within a language, and far less daunting than being creative in that media (aka being able to speak/write unique thoughts in a communicative manner)..
The reason I want to do this is that I have studied Japanese on and off for a while now and have never gotten properly to the point where it has paid off. The means by which language is taught and studied means a lot of work before any real extrinsic payoff. Sure, there's little bits of awesome, but I'd like intermediate rewards.
This thinking has also made me realize that I'm more interested in understanding the language than talking in it. I want to be able to understanding spoken and written Japanese so I can more thoroughly enjoy Japanese media. If I can go further and then speak/write it and make Japanese friends, cool, but that's not really the goal.
Sat Aug 19 20:29:03 UTC 2017
In any case, let's start up a page to enter some text and do some stuff in javascript.
Sat Aug 19 23:47:18 UTC 2017
All I got is splitting via "。" for sentences and spaces for words (won't work for any blog that isn't devoted to teaching Japanese to English speakers. It just console.logs the stuff.
Site will live here. I copied text from Rosa's blog. Which will be a useful site for testing purposes up until I'm good enough at Japanese to find just reguarly Japanese blogs.