Daily Entry: September 21st, 2017

Thu Sep 21 17:19:10 UTC 2017

Been letting organizational maintennce stuff slide, which is also why I haven't been keeping a very thorough diary lately.

I caught up on tickler today, but also have a lot in my inbox to process.

I have finally sat down and timeblocked the day. I have stuff planned until I go to sleep around 1900 PDT. Considering it's written in a notebook I'll leave at work around 1600 PDT, I'll copy down the plan here.

Time (PDT) Intention
1000 Planning
1030 CA-3113
1200 "Lunch"
1300 CA-3113
1330 Goals
1400 1:1 Prep
1430 1:1 Meeting
1500 Reflection
1530 Leaving
1600 WA License
1630 Walk home
1700 TV Stand
1730 Cooking
1830 Inbox
1900 SLEEP

Blank spaces mean I plan to continue thing above.

Thu Sep 21 17:33:08 UTC 2017

Time to work on CA-3113, a JIRA item at work. Going to switch to writing about that in my .plan file on my work laptop.

Thu Sep 21 17:42:05 UTC 2017

Backfilled the time-block in .plan and want to post it here.

Time (PDT) Intention
0500 WAKE
0530 Computer
0600 Breakfast
0630 Computer
0700 Shower
0730 Computer
0800 Walk DoL
0830 Walk Target, buy bananas, walk to work
0900 Setup
0930 Coffee
1000 Planning
1030 CA-3113 Planning
1100 CA-3113 401k Research
1130 CA-3113
1200 "Lunch"
1300 CA-3113
1330 Goals
1400 1:1 Prep
1430 1:1 Meeting
1500 Reflection
1530 Leaving
1600 WA License
1630 Walk home
1700 TV Stand
1730 Cooking TV watching
1800 Cooking TV watching
1830 Inbox TV watching
1900 SLEEP TV watching
1930 SLEEP Tv watching
2000 SLEEP

Updating table throughout the day.

Thu Sep 21 18:09:14 UTC 2017

I have made a 24-hour template for time-blocking. Will fill copy it first thing in the morning from now on, hopefully.

Thu Sep 21 18:26:15 UTC 2017

Ended up getting caught up with setting up stuff for easy planning in the future, and then went down the 401k setup rabbit-hole. I was going to still maximize my 401k this year (basically devoting almost 3k per paycheck towards it), but upon reviewing the rules for using it as a downpayment towards property, I have decided against it.

I may well try to get some Seattle property now, as it appears to continue to grow in cost, and rent is raising at a similar rate. Better to make my house-spending constant than continue to pay more in rent for no real gain. Also, currently house prices in Seattle are beating the stock market. But, betting on that continuing is a fool's errand, especially when that fool (me) doesn't know anything about real estate and such can't have a proper opinion on it.

In any case, I thought I would just use 401k money for downpayment, but it looks like I'm limiited to 50k or 50% of total 401k invested. I'm guessing that's "whichever is higher".

In any case, I've spent way too much impromptu time on this. Need to focus on work tasks.