Lost Days
I came back from SF sick, and today I slowly found myself growing into my non-sick self. I was sleeping basically 16 hours a day until today. Hoping to have a try at my normal sleep schedule tomorrow.
No Timeblock Today
It's late enough now (2030) that a timeblock has no real value. I also don't have any real way to anchor what I did today to a specific time of day. Today was still a rest day, but I also started doing some of my maintenance tasks and hopefully can transition smoothly into work tomorrow.
Had a bunch of fever dreams over the past few days. Had a really rare "need to go to the bathroom" in the dream, and even went to the bathroom in the dream and luckily only woke up needing to go to the bathroom, not having any other issue.
No-Twitter Streak Continues!
It appears that I have successfully separated the politics trigger for twitter. Now I have some YouTube channels I go to. Which is definitely better.
I'm hoping this means that Twitter is properly removed from my life.