Daily Entry: September 21st, 2020


Intention (2300 the night before)

Slightly better sleep hygiene today.

So, I haven't written my intentions I recite in a while, so I'll do that now, to help reinforce, and to look at them written down to help with any edits that I may realize I want.

  • I will reality check when
    • cat/pets
    • food/water
    • journal
    • conflict
    • lucidity
  • I will WBTS 2 hours before wake-up time (no alarm, just let intention do this)
  • I will incubate a dream with Daysha
  • I will DILD or WILD or both
  • I will lay still on wake-up and store the most important dream thread
  • I will write in journal (compromise: 1 sentence at least before going back to sleep)
  • I will thank myself for what I remember or even just trying to remember

Think it makes sense to make the thanking intent the last thing to say (used to be first). I'm getting pretty good at thanking myself, and I really believe it helps. It seems like a lot, but I don't seem to have trouble remembering it, though I find I can get distracted quite a bit before the end. But that's a good sign, too! Means it's not keeping me awake. Seems to help me fall asleep, even.

Sleep time!

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0340 this morning)

No dreams remembered thus far. Let's change that. Also, even though I don't remember any dreams, I still like to thank myself for remembering. Feel like it reinforces intent. So, thank you, me!

Anyways, incubation/WILD time.

School with Coworkers

I find a parking spot in a parking garage. Should not cost too much. Pash a button and get a rather large slip of paper with the terms of service. I put it unfolded in my pocket.

I go... somewhere.... It takes up most of the day. I start walking home.

"Didn't I drive here?" I ask myself. I backtrack to go find where I parked. Thinking hard, I remember the parking garage and feel the parking slip in my gym-shorts pocket, now the size of a small ticket.

When I get to the garage, there's a long line of cars trying to get out. I need my slip validated, so I find a parking enforcement person. I take the slip out of my pocket and it's a big piece of paper again.

I notice it's ripped, and the bar code probably isn't readable. I tell the officer this, but they scan it anyways. I look more carefully at the tear and see the bar code is barely intact.

I go through a door to get to my car and I am in a class room. There's a line of people trying to leave, as though class has ended, but the lecturer is still talking. Various work mates are here taking notes.

I find a seat to listen. The person sitting to the left of me has his foot on my seat in a strange way. I say nothing.

My coworkers ask some questions. I do not remember what.

That's all I remember.

Wake (logged at 0800 this morning)

A successful dreaming night, I think.

Pre-nap (1415)

Did work pre-nap prep, not for public consumption (or personal Notion for that matter). Went well, I think.

Post-nap (1430)

Saved main takeaway in work system.

Meditation (Day 109)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Label the distractions, do it over and over so that it becomes automatic
  • Learn the various different ways I guide myself back to the breath
    • E.g. away from tempting distractions, away from posture distractions, away from pain
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Before adjusting posture, mirror-check
  • Mirror-check only when agitated due to worry and after counting to 8 in breaths

New intention from yesterday's reflection: prep posture until prepared to set intention to stay still. The idea is that after that I only try to relax for the rest of the session, so repositioning whatsoever. Hopefully, I also keep relaxing in awareness, not attention. We'll try this for a week or so and then maybe if it's not doing anything return to quick check-in. Ideally, this lets me get good at finding the right posture, and I'll learn to settle into it faster and faster.

Meditation will start around 1630 today.

Post-Meditation (1830)

Really vivid breath. Lingering on posture worked very well. No mirror checks. Worked more on noting the distraction sooner and sooner, making introspective awareness vigilant. Not quite a best day, but really good.

I'd call it another good stage 4 training session. Hard to say if also stage 5 when stage 5 is all about stronger mindfulness. Strong dullness also isn't an issue, but subtle dullness and gross distractions are. So it's stage 4 or 5, it feels like. When boredom doesn't show up, I think it means it's more stage 4.


I'm going to try to add LLN to my daily habits. Did some thinking over the weekend, will do some actual manual stuff today, and reflect on the process and how to set it up how I want it.

General Thinking

Coding-practice with cousin is no longer experimental. It is just a part of the day.


It occurs to me that the average ANDD can be less than 1, because if you know a word than the dictionary depth is 0. It should also maybe be some sort of ANDD, like ANDD10K for the average depth of the 10K most frequently used words. Though, I would assume that a dictionary is written with reading-level in mind, so I suppose there is some specific number of words that would allow full dictionary use (making the max NDD 1).

This, too, would be a useful number.