Daily Entry: August 10th, 2018

Fri Aug 17 04:21:13 UTC 2018

At 1000 I waited in line for the QUAKECON keynote. Hung out with random BYOC neighbor darkchille. He destroyed me at Mario Kart (I brought my Switch while waiting in line).

The keynote was pretty fun. They showed off Doom Eternal which reminded me of my first QUAKECON experience (where they showed off DOOM 4). There weren't free shirts for everyone who showed up to the keynote which was disappointing.

Afterwards, I went and cooked some more sandwiches like the day before, and then waited in line to buy some QUAKECON hoodies (because it's cold in the BYOC area and I needed some swag to bring home this year that the keynote did not provide).

I downloaded and played some Quake Champions before cooking some tofu and tamales, and then waiting in line for Master Pancake.

Master Pancake was great. There was much drinking. I drank maybe too much, but didn't get sick. They riffed on the Mortal Kombat movie. They asked for a volunteer with martial-arts experience, so I went up and showed off my favorite move. I wasn't picked to be a part of the intermission show. A way more badass person was, and he did an excellent job.

The phrase this year was "Ron Swanson", because one of the guest comedians "looked like a discount Ron Swanson" and thus that was the fan phrase that won the drinking contest phrase.

The phrase was to be shouted, and drinks to be had, every time Shang Tsung pointed, said "Flawless victory", said "Your soul is mine", or spit. There was lots of shouting and drinks to be had.

After Master Pancake, I went and ate some waffles before exploring the BYOC area. Exploring the BYOC area while drunk is also something I did my first BYOC (after I ran away from friends who tried to take me to my hotel room). This time, I didn't make it awkward for anyone, and it was fun seeing people play random games.

I ended up having a drunk conversation with Harley, the person usually picked as the volunteer in Master Pancake because he's just awesome. I used to think he was secretly part of their group, but after last year's bad intermission show, I don't believe it anymore.

I played Quake Champions, PUBG, and then Super Smash Bros. Melee until about 3 a.m. before going to bed. The last two hours was SSBM with my cousin, who I knew was leaving the next day and I wanted to get some quality time with him. We ended up making a competition out of who would get the most successful Ken combos.

I won that competition.