Daily Entry: February 28th, 2019

Today's diary entry.


Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 SLEEP
0900 Morning routine
0930 Climbing
1000 Climbing
1030 Tickler
1100 Bus to downtown
1130 Chase bank errands
1200 Lunch with wife
1230 Lunch with wife
1300 Data management sync
1330 Backlog last 4 days
1400 Backlog last 4 days BACKLOG ENDS
1430 Pomodoro: 1:1 prep and review notes
1500 Pomodoro: Query api schema
1530 1:1 with Alex
1600 Pomodoro: Query api schema
1630 Pomodoro: Fix endpoint error
1700 Pomodoro: Fix endpoint error
1730 Pomodoro: Buffer
1800 Pomodoro: Buffer
1830 Run home
1900 Stretching/Shower Stretching
1930 Pomodoro: End of day review Mixpanel Community (join)
2000 Cooking Eating leftovers
2030 Cooking Pomodoro: End of day review
2100 Reading: Triggers
2130 Hanging out
2200 Hanging out
2230 Hanging out SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP


  1. Did I do my best to set clear goals today?
    • 8
  2. Did I do my best to make progress toward my goals today?
    • 6
  3. Did I do my best to find meaning today?
    • 6
  4. Did I do my best to be happy today?
    • 10
  5. Did I do my best to build positive relationships today?
    • 7
  6. Did I do my best to be fully engaged today?
    • 8