Daily Entry: July 5th, 2020

So! Today's the day I try to do some more organized writing that isn't simple stream of consciousness like this writing here. Which does still leave me with a feeling that I still want to write here.

Oh, yeah! I think timeblock should live in notion as well, now. I'll delete the one above (it may be gone now) and put it in notion.



Huh. These are going to be tiny posts now. Probably going to feel weird. I think that's fine?

These logs will now become daily snapshots into my thinking that don't belong in some draft of some blog post or something. This will see an evolution of things. Every once in a while I will stumble upon something that belongs in a blog post, copy the thinking I've already done to some blog draft, and continue it there.

This can still be a place for dreams, as well! Though I will also save them in my notion in an organized place, because I do have a fantasy project that involves having access to a lot of dreams.

Meditation (Day 31)

Today I was supposed to increase to 40 minutes, and technically I did, but it was a very undisciplined meditation. Perhaps 20 minutes of it was proper meditation. I will avoid repeating the mistakes of today, which were:

  • needing to go to the bathroom and deciding to meditate in the bathroom instead of resolving to start over
  • needing to do an eye mask for ten minutes and including that in the meditation (instead of doing it separately and taking it as an opportunity for more meditation if desired)

For 20 minutes, though, I stayed reasonably still and focused pretty well on the meditation object. I feel like maybe I'm actually still in stage 3 (overcome forgetting) with bouts of stage 4 (overcome gross distraction and strong dullness). So I may start with stage 3 intention for a bit (invoke introspective attention regularly, before forgetting the breath, to catch distractions before they lead to mind-wandering and forgetting).

I'm proud, also, that I still tried and didn't cancel the meditation, and I still got a lot out of it, but know I can do better and get more. There's always another try tomorrow, where I can follow-thru on the whole session.


In my dream, I was flying on a large airplane, and in the row I was in I apparently knew everyone. We were being entitled little brats and demanding things from the staff, and when we didn't get them, stealing them. I kept insisting to my friends to stop, but they went ahead anyways, and eventually one got caught stealing a bottle of alcohol.

He tried to hide it in a cabinet, and I tried to warn him not to hide it there, and when they searched it it was full of stolen goods, that I apparently stole. To make sure he wasn't blamed, I confessed. It seemed the reason I didn't want them to steal wasn't because I wasn't against it, but that I didn't want attention drawn to us because I had already stolen quite a bit.

We started to unload all of our stolen goods and give them backe, and apparently there were freezer drawers under our seatr where I had stashed a bunch of cheese pizzas. Which was weird to me, because I couldn't eat them as I'm fully vegan.

That's when I woke up.