Daily Entry: July 8th, 2020

Meditation (Day 34)

I achieved a significant quieting of the mind today. My breathe slowed to the point of my needing to focus significantly to feel its sensation at my nose. Stage 3 (overcoming forgetting) is going well. I believe I never forgot the breath today, and I managed to invoke introspective attention at some key moments. When the mind got really quiet, I had some solid stage 4 (continous attention and overcoming gross distraction and strong dullness) with a good amount of continous introspective attention.

If by Sunday I have managed to never forget the breath, I'll consider stage 3 truly mastered, and start working towards stage 4 mastery (gross distraction and strong dullness no longer occurs) and playing in stage 5 (increasing mindfulness).

I own The Mind Illuminated now, and have it in my weekly review checklist to refer to relevant sections of it. Will want to read the next chapter soon, as well.

Blog Progress for the Day

Just wrote a couple sentences today. I have a couple more things to write, and then the editing process will begin. Mainly, I want to go over my experience for the first month, and the side-effects I've experienced, and how confident I am that it was meditation (not perfectly confident, but reasonably so).

Seems plausible that I can have it "published" this Sunday. Though, I may use the draft being "ready for publication" as an excuse to update how this whole blog setup works (there's a proper way to use ghost.js and how I currently do it is not it).