Daily Entry: July 27th, 2020

Meditation (Day 53)

Today's the day I assumed stage 3 "mastery" and started with stage 4 intention (be vigilant to make introspective awareness continuous, and immediately notice and correct for gross distraction and strong dullness).

The first half went very well, and I did a stage 5 body-scan. The second half had a lot of external distractions, and I took that as an opportunity, but it did require backtracking a bit to stage 3 intention.

But I greatly enjoyed those external distractions, so I'm going to call it a positive experience. The cat found many new and interesting ways to distract me and make me laugh.

Extracurricular Stuff

So, yesterday I decided on a "curation of Ank card creation" sort of project. During work days, this means making a card related to work (in my work-only, laptop-only Anki profile).

The goal is to learn the I/Os of the various boxes (the various servers in the backend and also the FE/BE I/Os). The metaskill here is to get good at identifying the code areas where I/Os are received and/or sent out, and assess the various possible structures.

I have an idea that I really want to learn this one structure that's kinda in the middle of the process... but it may behoove me to start from the FE and work my way there.

Why learn these things? Well, there's some generic reasons, but there's also some reasons that maybe shouldn't be public-facing, so I'll do that thinking in my work Notion. And I'll count it as work when the time comes.