Daily Entry: July 30th, 2020

Meditation (Day 56)

Meditation prep is now a written-out page in my Notion. Gives me reminders and stuff to think about throughout the prep. Reviewing distractions of note after my meditation is now an action-item in my morning routine. Today's distractions of note were political in nature. There were other distractions but I couldn't remember them.

I've slowly started doing a full stretch routine before meditation, which is good. Though now my daily morning routine is becoming quite bloated.... Gotta make sure it doesn't grow out of control.

Did another "don't go beyond stage 4" day. Aka, I didn't do any full-body scans, though there were several moments where I would have had I not agreed with myself not to at the beginning of the sit. This is also something I'm playing with, some ideas of things to try during meditation happen... during meditation. But 1) those ideas are a meta distraction, and 2) I'm not sure if I feel it's really "practicing intentionality" if I try them out that session.

Which is why I'll try to consider such ideas I remember having before a new session, and then decide during that session. These ideas include:

  • closing my eyes to increase the strength of other sensations
  • body-scanning (including when in session and how many times)
  • posture mutations
  • what kinds of pain I will address and which I will treat as distractions

Extracurricular Stuff

Probably going to skip extracurrricular stuff today/tomorrow. I'm on staycation next week and thus will try to get as much stuff done before then so when I get back it can be a fresh start on some new thing, hopefully.