Daily Entry: August 4th, 2020

Meditation (Day 61)

This morning was an errand-heavy morning, so I didn't meditation until about 1400. I had some "didn't meditate yet" bits to my day until I finally sat down and meditated. Specifically, I had that headache that I noticed having early on when I started meditation, and then noticed went away.

I still have a bit of a headache, but now it's not nearly as bad, and I think it may be dehydration.

In any case, pretty sure stage 3 is still pretty strong, though gross distractions happen often enough that sometimes the introspective check-in fails, and maybe I forget the breath. Though it's important to note that often what brings me back to the breath is this background narration that I finally notice that's saying some variant of "focus on the breath". So perhaps I'm not forgetting, afterall. It seems that a distraction doesn't lead to more lately, but that I focus on the given distraction instead of on the breath, and also that my awareness gets a bit drowned out. Basically, I'm entering a tunnel-vision scenario, which is a different issue that probably needs a different solution.

Extracurricular Stuff

Not being as productive as I expected this vacation, but those were expectations, not goals. I'm actually pretty happy and proud that I'm not going overboard with my ability to "practice intentionality". Even if I don't "need" the time off, like I have before, there's still value in taking that time, and doing it mindfully.

This vacation isn't being lost to a Twitter relapse (though there was a bit of a close call there yesterday), or mindlessly watching what YouTube recommends. I'm watching and playing things on purpose. And I'm still being productive, but basically no more than the time I make for non-work things on workdays. Which is super solid. And possibly means that the new things I'm making time for may survive the return to work.