Daily Entry: August 13th, 2020


There was a lot of dreaming last night, but I've lost most of it. I know there was something about King of the Hill, there being a New York band or something coming to a school and performing, and the Hill family being made fun of in some very surreal way.

Meditation (Day 70)

Didn't stay still as well as yesterday, but better than any other day. About half of the movements were done mindfully. Still noticed that, just like scratching an itch, addressing the area that was aggravated by changing position didn't fix the issue. Though I do think that I found better posture by doing this. I'm definitely noticing settling into a stabler posture sooner each meditation.

Less fixing was necessary today than most days, for example.

I'm in a different stage with distractions than before, I'm pretty sure. Not sure when this transition took place, but now it's less realizing I'm distracted, and more actually guiding myself back to the breath and away from a successfully interesting distraction. Several times I could hear the "focus on the breath" reminder in the back of my head, but still travelled along the distraction.

I know that The Mind Illuminated mentions this kind of challenge (in the stage 4 chapter, I'm pretty sure). I may want to review that part.

Extracurricular Stuff

Lots of meetings today, and really want to deploy some code. So, again, just music and call with friend.