Daily Entry: August 14th, 2020


Had a vivid dream that I could've remembered had I written it down upon waking up.... It's something I'll take serious in a week or so when I start reading the lucid dreaming book.

Meditation (Day 71)

Prime number day, woo! The first of a prime-pair, too. That's fun.

Today's 45 minutes were split into 2 for flexibility reasons, and also because I hadn't been going to the work meditation meetings, but I find them to be valuable to do every once in a while.

Overall, solid. Progress is slow, but happening, and meditation still feels great. It also almost certainly unlocks a greater capability to "practice intentionality" for the rest of the day, which I much appreciate.

Extracurricular Stuff

I ended up having a moment of what I'd call lucidity and wrote some poetry about it yesterday. Today's plan is the same as yesterday's, just music with wife and call with friend, but maybe inspiration will hit me?

Mainly hoping to get some work done before the weekend starts, though.