Daily Entry: October 7th, 2020

Calendar says today going to be busy.


Intention (2215 the night before)

WBTS would be nice. Dreams have been hard to remember lately. Not waiting too long. Just buried or something. Hoping as I keep trying that I get better at remembering.

Just keep drilling healthy habits.

Strawberry donuts will be in my dreams eventually.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0300 this morning)

There's a problem my brain is trying to solve, that I don't need to solve, that must be from the dream I was having but don't remember.

Something about picking the right next number. Using some sort of indexing algorithm.

In any case, would like to try a WILD now.

Aunt Lydia and Misc

I am riding my bike to my parents. Their place is not the compound, but a place only in dreams. I am sneakily doing something I forgot, so as not to get my parents' attention. From the dining room, I hear talking. My aunt Lydia's voice is something I make out.

Now we're sitting in the living room. I'm talking with Lydia about something. At some point I tell her how weird this is, as I was just talking about her.

I think at another point I talk to my dad. Don't remember what it was. First dream with dad without conflict? Strongest call out in dream? Feels like I was close to realizing it was a dream.

That' all I remember.

Wake (logged at 0750 this morning)

Slept in a bit. Had trouble keeping mind on incubation topic or trying to WILD. Remembered one dream, though, and wrote it down before going back to bed, to boot! That's gradual progress right there.

Red Vines Samples

Remembering dream (0840). I am at grocery store. There is an open bag of red vines in the refrigerated area. I decide to take a sample of these instead of grabbing an unopened bag for purchase. I realize this isn't right and take the bag to buy. It further occurs to me that the already-open bag is not hygenic.

Dream Family Shenanigans

Another (0840)! I am at a dream-property. There's a large, outdoor covered area for parking, and three, 3-story town homes.

A family member owns the properties and lives in the middle. At some point, my sister enters the neighbor's house, though I warn her that that's breaking and entering.

I follow her to get her to leave.

Speech Anxiety

Another (0840)! I am at my friend's parents'. My friend is also there. He had to give a speech, but failed. He asked to stop halfway through, took a break, and came back and finished.

I tell him that I broke down into tears giving a speech. Tell him that I know the feeling.

Pre-nap (1215)

Not enough time for proper pre-nap.

Laying down now.

Post-nap (1230)

No post-nap writing, straight to side-project stuff before straight to work.

Meditation (Day 125)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be


Nothing huge to note today. Good meditation. Lots of distractions coming at me. Feel I still did a pretty good job. Did need to use all my ways of settling the mind (counting breath, visualizing breath as graph, echoing breath in mind).


No special meditation today. Meeting during planned time, and after that meeting I was exhausted. Flexibility is important.

General Thinking

I've made a general thinking area in Notion now, as well. The idea is that anything that goes here will go there, and like my meditation thinking, I can easily copy it to a post with a topic centered on whatever I wrote about. This bit of writing, for instance, may go into a post I have called "Why Daily Entries?"