Daily Entry: April 6th, 2017

Thu Apr 6 18:19:54 EDT 2017


Thu Apr 6 18:22:10 EDT 2017

Needed to update VSCode there.

Anyways, started this here diary a bit late today, but I've gotten my stretching and my exercising in, and also some cooking. I think I'll need to keep running everyday, the Just Dance dancing and this here standing desk aren't enough, but I'm feeling pretty good.

Anyways, I'd like to put in a solid 35 minutes of work towards site setup starting...

Thu Apr 6 18:23:33 EDT 2017


Thu Apr 6 18:37:25 EDT 2017

I notice I keep distracting myself from staying on task via drinking sips of water. I think I'll avoid doing that, I think I drink plenty of water as is anyways.

Thu Apr 6 18:42:43 EDT 2017

Gots to see if things startup when server does, so restarting server now.

Daily Entry: April 5th, 2017

Wed Apr 5 12:33:27 EDT 2017

After a long bit of laziness and forgetfullness, I'm back.

I'm also hoping to actually be working on projects soon. I've setup my desk into a standing desk (picture soon), organized both my physical inbox and my email inbox, and caught up on five months of tickler inactivity. For the last few days I've been doing tickler stuff right away. Feels pretty good.

Had an email conversation with someone you might know, Stephan. He thought Atom seemed like the obvious choice.

No real reason not to explore both and choose eventually.

Though, if Atom has macros (it seems VSCode does not), it may be a no-brainer.

Wed Apr 5 12:36:11 EDT 2017

Just did a quick Google, seems Atom does have macros? May be an extension. We'll see.

Wed Apr 5 12:37:50 EDT 2017

Trying out timeblocking today. Not sure how I want to go about it, I'll want to review it each day to come up with better execution strategies, I think. Weekly reviews should start becoming a thing, too.

Wed Apr 5 14:07:23 EDT 2017

Watched some Rick and Morty with fam. Going to play some Just Dance with wife.

Will probably stretch and run afterwards.

Wed Apr 5 16:17:56 EDT 2017

Just Dancing tired me out a lot more than I anticipated. Might not run. About to finish stretching (watched more Rick and Morty with cousin).

Having trouble staying focused. I need to start a proper half-hour of focused work soon. Well, that's the plan anyways. A half-hour with a solid goal of something to have finished by the end of it.

Wed Apr 5 17:00:34 EDT 2017

Stretched, showered, and thinking I should really start my half-hour....

Wed Apr 5 17:25:41 EDT 2017

All right, at 17:30 I will start doing programming-related thing. Until then I will watch as much of Youtube video I'm watching (won't finish it).

Wed Apr 5 17:33:09 EDT 2017

Oops, got absorbed. Pausing now.

Wed Apr 5 17:33:21 EDT 2017

All right, all right. I need to do something. Doesn't matter what, I can reflect later and prioritize then. I have something a friend wants to make with me, and I haven't done anything with it for weeks, let's do that.

First step: make a section of my site run via Django. Which means plugging into my nginx setup. And I've had [this page][http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/Django_and_nginx.html] open for exactly that purpose for weeks now. I'll be glad to exit that page. I should be able to have the Django startup stuff setup before 1800, so let's do this.

Wed Apr 5 17:36:58 EDT 2017

Listening to music to drown out any possible distractions.

Opening nginx site configuration file.

Wed Apr 5 18:01:50 EDT 2017

Failed to get this setup working by 1800. Damn. Followed tutorial and page timed out.

Wed Apr 5 18:08:29 EDT 2017

Figured it out thanks to a Stack Overflow post.

Need to switch "--http :8001" to "--socket :8001".

All right, got a hello world up. Not even a django site. Next block will be for a Django site. I'll do at least one more half-hour block today. Tomorrow will be two 35-minute blocks. I will increase the timing of the blocks by 5 minutes until I got two 2-hour blocks. Those'll be my "deep work" blocks. Shallow-work and various other productive work will still be desired and necessary.

Wed Apr 5 18:25:22 EDT 2017

Did a Just Dance break with wife. I am determined to get good at "Put a Ring On It" song.

Wed Apr 5 22:27:26 EDT 2017

Spent some time lollygagging. The wife would like to play Overwatch, but I need to do one more productive chunk, so until 2300 I will work some more on site.

Wed Apr 5 23:13:29 EDT 2017

Through an incredibly distracting bit of time, I have nginx serving the django server. ksionda.me/django is now complaining about trying to access from a disallowed host, which is django setup stuff, which will be what I get done tomorrow.

Wed Apr 5 23:16:57 EDT 2017

Now it is time to play some Overwatch.

Well, after I finish brewing tomorrow's coffee.

That reminds me, I need to start studying Japanese again.

If you're wondering how coffee reminded me to start studying Japanese again. Though I correctly wrote it as coffee, I said it in my head as koohii, which is the way it is said in Japanese.

Wed Apr 5 23:20:40 EDT 2017

Overwatch time. Closing diary. See you tomorrow.

Daily Entry: March 17th, 2017

Fri Mar 17 01:35:08 EDT 2017

Ended up playing some video games and then took a two-hour nap. Now it's Friday.

Beauty and the Beast comes out today. Will probably see it after a proper sleep.

Going to play a bit of Overwatch soon here. Been playing as much as four hours a day for a bit, but today it'll probably be less.

Fri Mar 17 03:47:05 EDT 2017

Overwatch play has stopped. I will play some more by myself, possibly. But first, food!

Fri Mar 17 04:41:56 EDT 2017

Food was quite good (did some kitchen cleaning whilst I made something on the stove).

Fri Mar 17 04:43:32 EDT 2017

Watching some Youtubes.

Fri Mar 17 04:54:35 EDT 2017

Interrupting youtubes to lay down for a bit.

Fri Mar 17 07:33:27 EDT 2017

Got around to lots more youtubes whilst playing FTL on the side.

Fri Mar 17 07:49:55 EDT 2017

Let's read some Cracking the Coding Interview.

Fri Mar 17 07:58:16 EDT 2017

I'm going to take a route with this book I haven't taken before, but I know may be worth while. I'm going to focus on the sections that seem more relevant to me and skip over everything else. This book is massive, and I may be short on time (I agreed to try for Google soon and would like to make a strong go).

This book seems organized in such a way that it'll be easy to do this. There's even a section early on called "The Google Interview". I won't be reading "The Amazon Interview" or "The Facebook Interview". Not yet, anyways.

Hmmmm.... Being an SDET (software engineer in test) is actually of interest to me. I wonder if profiling is a part of such a job.

Fri Mar 17 08:06:54 EDT 2017

The "Before the Inverview" section has some good tips for resume building. As a person with free time, I might want to execute some of these tips if I haven't already.

Fri Mar 17 08:12:22 EDT 2017

There's a preparation map!

Hmmmm.... It looks like I got the "1+ Year before interview" part down, thankfully. Personal projects and coding language diversity could be a bit better, but I think it's manageable. I might want to brush up on my C, Java, and bash if I want to keep them on my resume. I might not be able to answer questions about them if asked. Maybe SQL stuff, too.

Fri Mar 17 08:25:38 EDT 2017

Sent timeline thoughts to Google friend, and took a "premium sites" break.

Fri Mar 17 08:32:35 EDT 2017

Reading a bit of the book made me think of projects I want to work on.

The first thing that comes to mind is something related to FTL. Like, there's a lot I could do. Long-term would be an AI that plays the game, gathers various data, and I reverse engineer it to play on the browser. That's super long term and probably won't happen. Shorter term would be a website helper pretending to be a "computer subsystem". In various sci-fi there's often some AI that gives chances of things happening based on chosen actions. Considering the rather ridiculous amount of events in the game, the RNG nature of the game (which differ based on the area you're exploring), and the various things that allow for new options to events (species represented in crew, installed weapons/drones/systems, etc), there's a lot of chances to consider.

It would also add to the unlock nature of the game. Chances wouldn't automatically be known, the computer would need to be updated with each event and the possible outcomes and their chance of happening would become more complete through repetition.

Maybe I should just start working on it next time I start playing FTL.

Fri Mar 17 11:23:28 EDT 2017

Aunt and uncle awake so I hung out with them and made some fries.

Watching some more youtubes now.

Not feeling tired yet. Did have a solid nap in the middle of my "day".

Fri Mar 17 12:18:17 EDT 2017

Sleep time.

Fri Mar 17 22:16:20 EDT 2017

Woke up about 6 hours ago. Lil' cousins were visiting. Watched Trolls and Frozen.

Trolls was the best bad movie I've ever seen (more on that later?).

Sat Mar 18 05:18:50 EDT 2017

Played about 5.5 hours of Overwatch. Maybe too much. Maybe need nap. Not sure. Going to probably play FTL.

Sat Mar 18 21:39:33 EDT 2017

The lil' cousins are here for whole weekend. Properly distracted by them.

Daily Entry: March 16th, 2017

Thu Mar 16 03:43:07 EDT 2017

Okay, I've been bad.

At the very least, let's just log everything I'm doing.

How much memory does VSCode take up?

Very little.

Yeah, I can just keep these open throughout the day.

Thu Mar 16 03:44:33 EDT 2017

Anyways, the one good thing I'm doing is exercising everyday. Today looks like it may be an unplanned day off, but even if it is, I'll be back at it tomorrow.

Right now it's around freezing outside, so I've been using my aunt's treadmill. I'm quite capable of running outside without any need of distraction, but running in place requires something. So I've been re-listening to "Deep Work" by Cal Newport. I think listening to it will inspire me to start buckling down and work on projects proper.

At least, I hope so.

Going to have to do something.

Thu Mar 16 03:47:20 EDT 2017

I shall now return to watching YouTube reruns of people streaming their playing Overwatch.

Thu Mar 16 03:49:38 EDT 2017

Also, read some webcomics (even though it'll cost me fake currency from my Browsing Costs [Chrome extension]).

Thu Mar 16 04:04:01 EDT 2017

Feeling a bit tired, but I don't think I want to sleep. Didn't sleep much last "night", because I thought my Nintendo Switch was coming today. Instead, everything else in the bundle came today. Misread the email.

Perhaps I should play some vidja games. Been switching between FTL, Overwatch, and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Already played FTL and Overwatch today. Don't particularly feel like playing Melee.


Thu Mar 16 04:11:24 EDT 2017

Watching Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 speedrun.

Thu Mar 16 08:15:18 EDT 2017

Ended up playing FTL.

Feeling somewhat tired, but not sure if want sleep.

Thu Mar 16 08:25:32 EDT 2017

Now I am reading today's Love Joy Feminism post.

It is making me think of how I would go about convincing people of things.

I think the answer is to stop framing it that way, and actually stop trying in that sense. Though, really, it's more complicated than that (I love Ze Frank).

I've read some things about convincing people. The first thing that comes to mind is the Science of Social Change by Nicky Case. I have this article saved as an email to myself under the tag "Actions". In that email I write: "Internalize it." I'm having trouble properly summing it up without rereading it right now. I suppose it isn't properly internalized.

I'll reread it after I finish the Love Joy Feminism post.

Thu Mar 16 08:35:56 EDT 2017

Sometimes, I have pretend conversations with pretend people. Or rather, sometimes I make up a scenario that may not even include me and have the people in the scenario say things. Of course, they say things I agree with, but there's some sort of distancing that I'm doing. These events pass by without any real intrinsic staying power. They're easy to forget, but I think maybe worth remembering.

I think I'll start writing these things down. Explore this thing I do a bit more instead of letting it passively happen.

Thu Mar 16 08:41:03 EDT 2017

I have finished the Love Joy Feminism post and am now reading the Science of Social Change.

Whilst reading that, I am reminded that another article about changing people's minds that I like is Film Crit Hulk SMASH: Martin Scorsese Will Let You Be Wrong. This one I remember a bit better (probably because I read it more recently). It can be summed up as: "Make the strongest argument for the opposition and show how it fails. Do not nitpick little details, topple the very foundation."

Back to Science of Social Change.

Thu Mar 16 08:47:49 EDT 2017

Oh, hey, I played this guy's game, :the game:.

I remember enjoying it.

Thu Mar 16 08:50:33 EDT 2017

"I've written lots about Miguel Sabido before[...]".

Oh, yeah, this part of the article is pretty good. I should read more about this Miguel Sabido guy, and apparently this Nicky Case has written more about him. That's ample opportunity right there.

Thu Mar 16 08:52:33 EDT 2017

I'm beginning to fall down a rabit hole of links now.

Is this okay?

Better than browsing Reddit, so sure.

Thu Mar 16 08:54:25 EDT 2017

I'm building a sumamry of this Science of Social Change article now. One key element: people will not magically suddenly understand a differing viewpoint and change their mind. Something that seems clear to a person will simply reinforce their beliefs (even if the thing is actually clear evidence that such beliefs are wrong). Actually changing someone's mind should start with them being confused by the information they're consuming. They should need time to process.

Really, this is one-third of one section of the article, but it was the part that I have the most experience with myself so it spoke to me the loudest.

Thu Mar 16 09:00:16 EDT 2017

Now I'm watching the Youtube video that that one-third of one section is based off of: Derek Muller: The key to effective educational science videos.

And now I'm subscribed to that speaker's Youtube channel, Veritasium. I'll watch some videos later.

Thu Mar 16 09:09:42 EDT 2017

I think it's time to get off the computer for the day. I'll perhaps stop by before bed to time-stamp when I went to bed.

Thu Mar 16 09:19:11 EDT 2017

Bed time!

Thu Mar 16 19:16:34 EDT 2017

I woke up about 15 minutes ago.

Going to watch the Sopranos with the fam, and then I'm going to do my exercises for the day.

Thu Mar 16 21:21:01 EDT 2017

Time to go for a run.

Thu Mar 16 21:54:03 EDT 2017

Deep Work continues to be a good listen while running. Time to shower.

Daily Entry: March 8th, 2017

Wed Mar 8 21:47:47 EST 2017

Dear diary?

Am I the kind of person to write that?

I don't think so.


I had started off writing a blog post, but I believe that will come later. Blog posts need to be substantial, here is where I write stream of consciousness and play with ideas. Not all posts here will be of the "daily entry" variety, but it'll probably be the main stuff for a while.

I'm setting up VSCode how I like it, but it's going to be a while. I'm so used to vim at this point that I naturally start doing vim commands instead.

Wed Mar 8 21:59:23 EST 2017

I just fell down a rabit-hole of how to do an equivalent to vim's nmap). Chords (a means of a keyboard rule) may do the trick.

Let's try it.

Wed Mar 8 22:09:19 EST 2017

Nope, not what I want.

I'll figure that out later.

Right now, I want this diary live.

Wed Mar 8 22:13:17 EST 2017

I keep distracting myself with thinking, "How would I...." for any random thing. For instance, I know I can rename any given variable or string in VSCode, but I don't know how to do it.

I need to have a list I cultivate that remembers these questions, and devote some explicit time to answering the questions and making sure I remember the answer when I want to do the thing. Answering the question in the moment is not what I want to be doing.

Wed Mar 8 22:16:36 EST 2017

Installing screen on my server.

Wed Mar 8 22:18:24 EST 2017

Running hexo server for the diary now.

Need to setup nginx to forward to that setup.

Wed Mar 8 22:35:31 EST 2017

Okay, diary is live, and this post updates as I save it.

I think that's good enough for today.