Daily Entry: April 7th, 2017

Fri Apr 7 22:20:47 EDT 2017

Starting diary late today as I had a niece and nephew to entertain (well, actually 1st cousins once removed, but that's a mouthful).

Also, a tree to pull down. And in pulling down that tree, now another tree needs to be pulled down. Maybe tomorrow.

Fri Apr 7 22:21:44 EDT 2017

Anyways, some days I just won't write in my diary as periodically as other days. Hopefully I can write in it everyday, more-or-less.

We'll see.

Fri Apr 7 22:22:17 EDT 2017

Today, I want to put gitlab on this here website. I would like it to be found at gitlab.ksionda.me. The part that will take the most waiting is telling Gandi and/or Linode (I think just Ghandi) that I want such a subdomain.

So, let's do that first.

Looks like it's Linode that I do it, actually.

Fri Apr 7 22:28:35 EDT 2017

Oh, yeah, something I want to do later is actually have rory@ksionda.me be my email address.

Fri Apr 7 22:42:18 EDT 2017

Thought from current chat:

"Make sense" is a statement communicating confusion.

"Makes sense" is one of understanding.

"One letter makes all the difference." to quote the person I was talking with.