Daily Entry: April 10th, 2017

Mon Apr 10 03:39:14 EDT 2017

Exciting things are happening, Stephan.

Not been keeping a good log of it whilst I've been doing it.

To be fair, niece and nephew are solid distractions during normal hours, and during down-time hours I'm fairly deep into two different projects.

Nevermind the Just Dance dancing I've been pretty good about (and other exercise, too).

Nothing super, super exciting, but still pretty cool and a good trajectory.

Mon Apr 10 20:15:00 EDT 2017

Back after sleeping and hanging with family... and grocery shopping.

Finished the Sopranos today.

Going to start doing some serious work on a website project today. All the foundation is in place. Should be fun.

Mon Apr 10 22:44:04 EDT 2017

Been hanging out instead of being productive. Going to start being productive now.

Time to switch the site I'm working on to somewhere other than ksionda.me/django/ (that shouldn't lead anywhere anymore so I'm not linking to it).

Mon Apr 10 22:48:17 EDT 2017

Listening to a podcast while doing this. Not sure if this is splitting my attention too much but it seems to be working fine.