Review of April 25th, 2017

Time-limit to complete post: 30 minutes.

Pencils down at 10:38:35 EDT 2017

Reading the Days Posts

Daily Entry

The formatting of this page is all weird for some reason. Oh, it's because there's a single-spaced indent on all lines. Making each line-break in the markdown filea a line-break in the page.


I used sed to solve a problem with how I incorrectly did tags in these diary posts.

This should probably be a problem statement.

I constantly distracted myself throughout the day. I'm doing it while writing this post, as well. I'll stop, walk away from the computer, and pace thinking about any given thing.

I do not have proper control over my brain right now.

Creating time-limit for this post.

I decided to separate stretching from other exercise, because I like to stretch before exercise, and when I exercise is less predictable because exercise starts via dancing with my wife.

This was a good decision.

I have started the habit of writing notes while watching TV. I'd like to try to start some proper analysis of what I watch.

Vatic Labs Problem-Statement

The first problem-statement of my training regimen. Hopefully the beginning of something very valuable to me.

Vatic Labs Post-Mortem

This will be of use to me next time I tackle the given problem.

Usefule stuff right now from this post:

  • I want to create a project creation recipe
  • I want to create a common speed bottleneck list



  • Ran 2 miles in over 20 minutes
  • Danced 9 songs in Just Dance
  • Did 4 pull-ups
  • Did a full stretch routine
  • 1-minute plank
  • 1-minute horse stance


  • Wrote three diary posts
  • Wrote an argumentative comment on YouTube
  • Wrote a short update email to head-hunter


  • Episode of Rick and Morty
  • 2 episodes of Elementary
  • 2 episodes of Iron Fist


  • Love Joy Feminism blog post
  • Pharyngula blog post
  • Random tweets
  • YouTube comment


Distractions limited output of the day. Need to work on conquering distractions.