Sun Jun 4 07:38:12 UTC 2017
All right, let's do some things!
Maybe start with some reflection and thinking.
I brought my bike back with me from Tucson, Stephan. I'm already really glad I did, as the last two days I've done a modest 7-mile ride each day. Really nice getting that fresh air. Running's been good, but I may need new shoes before I do anymore, as I've been feeling some aches in my legs that may lead to long-term damage if I'm not smart about things.
Tomorrow I plan on adding my bike rack on the back tire so I can reattach my pannier and maybe even do regular grocery shopping via bike.
We'll see.
Sun Jun 4 07:42:16 UTC 2017
I should do some chores. To the tickler!
Chores done.
Sun Jun 4 08:02:57 UTC 2017
I have gotten distracted reading up on character design tips.
Sun Jun 4 08:04:49 UTC 2017
Let's start working on that draft again.
Let put its content in a post now and just keep updating that post.
The post is here.
Sun Jun 4 08:26:42 UTC 2017
Fixed the config such that me putting line breaks in my markdown doesn't translate to a line break in the rendered diary post.
Sun Jun 4 08:38:33 UTC 2017
Feeling tired. Swtiching to playing some Zelda.
Sun Jun 4 09:34:40 UTC 2017
Switching to Overwatch quickplay with the wife.