Daily Entry: September 3rd, 2020


Intention (2200 the night before)

Reality check. Alarm set for 0400. Let's take a step back and focus on remembering my dreams again. Incubation of specifics can come later. So, I will remember my dreams, and I will do a reality check in my dreams.

Wake (logged at 0600 this morning)

Apparently slept through WBTS alarm. Reality check. I woke up a couple times with dreams in my head, but didn't write them down. Guess I'm pretty tired.

Anyways, I have some dreams I remember that I should write down before they're completely gone.

Dancing in a Gym

I'm at some sort of dance class. The group is supposed to dance along a wavy line, and stop and do a twirl in place. The person in front stops too soon and the person behind stops too late, and we don't have room to twirl without getting in each other's way.

Road Trip with Family

My family is on some sort of road trip. I think it's me and my family and not a dream replacement avatar, anyways.

We stop at a mall and I have a huge argument with my dad. He threatens to leave without me and I tell him that's fine.

There was a lot more i this dream, but it has faded.


I am Dexter (from the show about the serial killer). Someone has frustrated my careful planning and I shoot them with their own rifle and scramble to clean up the evidence. They have a dog/hamster thing that I adopt.

There's a time-skip and I'm at a party. A detective comes to talk to me. Talks about how the murder weapon can't be found, but how it could've been slowly dissolved in the urine of the criminal's dog/hamster.

While he's talking there's a flashback of me doing this. "Now, the logical thing would be to pour it down the drain, but a sadistic person would maybe do something with it. Like, make it an ingredient in vanilla ice cream."

There's vanilla ice cream at this party. I panic. I grab all of it, eating some of it, but there's too much and I start disposing of it.

The detective has a "gotcha" look on his face but I know he has no evidence.

That's all I remember.

Parallel Dimension

I'm a curly haired boy who has travelled to a parallel dimension. It just happened while drriving, and I almost crashed my car several times. My friend also crossed over with me. We go and meet our dopplegangers. We look slightly different from each other.

The doppleganger of someone else shows up, but she looks completely different. We think it is due to having a different mom.

This one was mostly forgotten.

Reflection (logged at 2200)

After writing those dreams down around 0630, I went back to sleep and had another dream. This one was not written down (I think I need to set the intention to write down my dreams a bit harder), and by now is basically completely gone.

It had something to do with a MMORPG about thieves. And there was an office party in the MMO.... Yeah, I thought I remembered more than I did, but when I realized I didn't write it down and went to write it down digitally... I realized it was pretty gone.

So, yeah, will go for the intention to write in my journal whenever I realize I'm awake again. That led to remembering the abstract breath dream, which I'm pretty sure led to me improving in meditation.

No nap today, though maybe I could've used one.

Also, now I have yet another dad dream wherein I'm in conflict with him. That's 4 for 4 in the dreams I have written down (and properly tagged with "Dad", maybe I missed one or two).

Meditation (Day 90)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Label the distractions, do it over and over so that it becomes automatic
  • Before adjusting posture, count 8 breaths
  • Learn the various different ways I have to guide myself back to the breath
    • E.g. away from tempting distractions, away from posture distractions, away from pain
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Body-scan in the beginning and latter half of meditation
  • During planned attention away from breath, keep breath in awareness


Today was hectic, and I had to fit meditation in there somewhere, and I did. And it was good.

Boredom is a new challenge, which is interesting. Whereas my mind would wander before I could become bored before, now that I can keep my mind on point, there's this strong urge to "decide" to do something else. It, like the timer distraction, is fun to interact with (I think interact is the best word here, as undescriptive as it is).

Today, meditation was just 35 minutes, due to time constraints, though I still ended up struggling with boredom and noticed the itch to stop and do something else with about 10 minutes to go (a sound-cue tipped me off to the time remaining).

Anyways, I still have the occasional gross distraction, though maybe soon I won't. Further, I have not forgotten the breath in a good long while (unless of course there's some distractions that trick me into thinking I haven't forgotten, which I feel is quite possible).

I still try to remember the distractions after meditation, and now I save:

  • the distraction label
  • whether it was subtle or gross
  • whether it was internal or external
  • where my breath was when I labeled the distraction (vivid, attention, awareness, forgotten)

It's all feeling pretty solid.

I skipped walking meditation today.

I forgot to note that yesterday was a prime-number day. Oops.


Had to revise my timeblock plenty, but it worked out. I think today still counts.