Daily Entry: October 4th, 2020

Want to do some experimental thinking today.


Intention (1115 the night before)

Actually did some good journal habits today. Let's keep that up. Thanks, past and future me. Haven't been able to incubate. I think I'll stick with trying on the strawberry donuts.

See you at WBTS.

Forgotten Sci-Fi Dreams

(I have very little recollection of these dreams at this point, but will share what I jotted down in my journal.)

Dream anchor.

AI, elevator, Spongebob. Sci-fi. N=1

Different dream. Some kind of sci-fi. Star Wars dream.

If I could draw there are maybe some scenes I could recreate, but I have no idea how to describe it in words. The aesthetic is the important bit. The texture.

These are the sort of dreams I'm building this habit for. I have this slight melancholy from not properly saving it. It was really hard to keep in my mind at the time, though. Practice. Also, it's like temporary friends. Totally valid.

Pre-nap (1435)

Think I'll focus on fun today. Just rest and see what comes at me.

Post-nap (1525)

Had a nice, long nap and my mind went to a lot of places. Good times.

Meditation (Day 122)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention


I'm at the point now where I don't think there's going to be something worthwhile to say every session. Only so many times I can say, "Meditation always good." And the problems I'm encountering aren't always unique.

I may make a checklist of things to verify if happened or not (gross distraction, noticing dullness, overall stillness, etc). These things will just be data gathered in Notion, however, so I might not always have this post-meditation reflection.

Which is good, I think. Already have a lot of writing saved in various drafts in Notion on meditation topics. Less day-to-day writing will mean I can have some time to review those saved thoughts and start organizing them into the topic at hand.


I had considered making today a workday and trying out a "Weekend Tuesday", but it didn't go that way. Had too much maintenance stuff to catch up on from the failed schedule mutation.