Daily Entry: October 5th, 2020

Okay, full week of work back with the more effective "maintenance-first" setup. Let's get some work done this week!


Have a lot of dream journal stuff written down, but spent more time on entertainment than I should've, and want to keep good sleep hygiene, so I'll digitize it tomorrow.

Intention (2250 the night before)

Well-rested.... Might be a good dreaming night. Going to really set the WBTS and WILD intentions tonight. Even setting a 0400 alarm.

I liked my jotted down compromise notes this morning. Really feels like cementing a habit. Gives me a thread to a mostly forgotten fabric.

Let's have some dream strawberry donuts.

Cosplaying Superheroes

I am cosplaying Link. I join a superhero group consisting of people cosplaying video game characters. At one point I pass a person cosplaying Twilight Princess Link in the Zora tunic.

I make friends with a fellow newbie. I get fired or quit my job. I discuss with newbie what he wants. He wants to be a YouTuber. I laugh, but explain I'm not putting him down. "I respect it." I have faxed my resume over to some government contractor company.

Wake (logged at 0735 this morning)

Remembered a pretty interesting dream. Slept through WBTS alarm. Still pretty tired, I guess.

Pre-nap (1350)

I think I'll go with what I did during yesterday's nap. I like the "focus on work" naps, but I think I need more... nap experience before I do them each workday (think I'll still do them once a week, though).

Post-nap (1415)

I recite my intentions. Getting to "I will incubate a dream about strawberry donuts," I decide to do just that. I visualize making the donuts. Ideas come to me. Filling the donuts with jam. Other fruits. Grape frosting? Maple frosting? Long Johns? Starting a cafe a long, long time from now (for fun, wouldn't expect it to even break even).

Some other thinking comes to me. Politics. Ballots. I return to donuts. My body is very relaxed. A bit of hypnagogic vision seeps in. I try to see a donut. Almost feel I can.

I feel some aches melt away. I embrace dullness. More donut thinking.

Eventually, I decide to get up. No conscious reflection while laying down. Straight to notebook.

Meditation (Day 123)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan (one time) when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be


Return of the body scan! Decided it's good when I notice that my focus not as vivid as it could be.


I think I'm trying out an old schedule for a bit. Mainly, want to get meditation done before work begins. Felt really powerful today, will continue it tomorrow.

General Thinking

Haven't missed a day reading in a while, but again, will prioritize sleep hygiene today. Already going to bed later than I want, but I have to get some strteches in, at least.

Eh, will get at least ten minutes of reading in, after all. Dream stuff still will be digitized from notebook tomorrow.