Daily Entry: October 15th, 2020

Meditation (Day 133)

Prep (0930)


  • Unity of mind
  • See what the next stages are like
  • Practice intentionality
  • Overcoming the illusion of self
  • Subduing distractions (on and off the cushion)

Intentions for the day:

  • Prep pose to stable position and set intention to sit still
  • Body-scan while narrowing focus to the breath (stage 5)
  • Body-scan when breath loses vividness (stage 5)
  • Exclusive attention body-scan exercise (stage 6)
  • Resolve to settle attention exclusively to current meditation object
  • Keep perhiperal awareness strong to keep dullness at bay
  • Specifically keep posture in awareness and out of attention
  • Do not feed distractions with attention (even with labeling), simply list the distractions you naturally remember during reflection
  • Increase scope of attention to the breath sensations of more body parts to help subdue subtle distractions
  • Eyes closed today

Distractions to look out for:

  • Wife
  • Cat
  • Outside
  • Cardcaptor Sakura
  • Pain
  • Shoulder
  • Lower back
  • Lotus
  • Posture
  • Reflection
  • Fantasy
  • Vision
  • Body-scan
  • Dreaming?
  • Labeling
  • Meta
  • Swallowing
  • Timer
  • Work
  • Slack

Post-Meditation (1045)

I keep getting short bits of exclusive attention, I believe. Also some interesting feelings throughout the body around the times I get the exclusive attention. There's an excitement that happens that has me lose it. It's a lot like getting excited in a lucid dream and waking up.

There was a time near the end that distractions really wanted to be gross, but they stayed subtle, and I was able to better identify how certain distractions beget others.

Couldn't help but do some labeling, and funnily enough that often led to me labeling the "labeling". Double-up on the labeling distraction! Triple-up?

Feeling super great. Like, even better than usual. Though, this feeling better than usual is becoming somewhat usual.

Super exciting.


Intention (2330 the night before)

I should revisit some saved dreams soon. Maybe this weekend. See if anything jumps out at me. I wonder at what intervals I should revisit dreams. Like, is sooner better, or does length provide a valuable new perspective?

Watch myself fall asleep. Notice when the dream tries to tell me I'm dreaming. WBTS. WILD. Incubate strawberry donuts.

Good night.

Dream Fragment

Vaguely remember telling someone to avoid getting hit by cabinets as they stood up.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0425 this morning)

Feels like it's been a while since WBTS, but I only missed last night. My mind has wandered to the lucid dream that I played with dream powers in. I wouldn't mind doing that sort of thing again.

Almost just fell asleep again with pen and journal in hand.

WILD. Backup with DILD intention. Incubate strawberry donuts. Let's see what happens.

Wake (logged at 0720 this morning)

No dreams remembered. Not too late. Dreams may come. If not, that's okay. Did go to sleep a bit late last night. That seems to interfere, sometimes. In any case, solid habits, I think. Just keep going, and iterate on habits when appropriate.

Pre-nap (1302)

Reset and get back to work.

Post-nap (1318)

Good nap.

Experimental (Special Meditation)

Joined on the work meditation session at 1600 today. I'm pretty sure I want to do something special there, but today I just did another, shorter session today.

General Thinking

Tasks stacking up a bit, but maintaining focus has kept me from feeling overwhelmed. There's an artificial urgency that I need to let go of, I think.

Daily Entry: October 14th, 2020

Meditation (Day 132)

Prep (1730)

Late meditation today. Had to keep rescheduling it due to opslead. That I was prioritizing it, but then letting it slip did let me maintain a good headspace. I used some "exclusive attention" skill-building techniques during regular work. Decide what I'm doing on purpose, even if really a sudden distraction came along. Certain distractions are defined as more important than what I am doing.


  • Practice intentionality
  • Exclusive attention
  • See what the higher stages are like
  • Unity of mind
  • Overcoming the illusion of self

Intentions for the day:

  • Eyes closed today (reading on the "inner light" and how it happens to those who meditate with eyes closed makes me want to at least alternate if not switch entirely)
  • Prep posture until ready to set intention to sit still, then set that intention
  • Body-scan as part of movement to exclusive focus on breath
  • Body-scan as practicing exclusive focus on breath
  • Keep awareness strong so it can stop distractions and dullness from interfering
  • Specifically be aware of posture and do not give it attention
  • Do not feed distractions with attention (even with labeling now), instead just list the ones you remember during post-meditation reflection
  • Increase scope of breath attention to more body parts to help subdue subtle distractions

Distractions to look out for:

  • Cardcaptor Sakura
  • Wife
  • Cat
  • Outside
  • Pain
  • Shoulder
  • Lower back
  • Posture
  • Memories
  • Reflection
  • Work (general)
  • Slack
  • Swallowing
  • Timer

Let's sit down and meditate!

Post-Meditation (1930)

My confidence about being in stage 5/stage 6 territory grows. Closed eyes was also quite interesting. There was this strange bluish light. Not sure if induced after reading about the "inner light". Will play with it further for a bit, I think.

I am very paranoid about dullness, which I think is maybe fine as I settle into exclusionary attention. Got to make sure I'm not shutting out awareness but merely keeping things in peripheral awareness. I regularly checked the vividness of the breath, and also checked whether or not introspection was in awareness or peripheral awareness (not quite the right way to put it, but I'll find the right words as time comes).

Breath was almost always vivid except for the really confusing bit with the eyes seeing a bluish light and I felt like breath was losing vividness but it was all a bit different. May have been a stage 6 milestone, may have been hypnagogy (though it didn't seem like it). Did a stage 5 body-scan and things returned to normal... which either fixed dullness or pulled me out of exclusive attention.

Which is all to say I'm in interesting territory and it's fine to make mistakes and stuff. I'm learning, after all!

General Thinking

I'll digitize the dream journal stuff below tomorrow.


Changed my mind. Doing it now before bed.


Intention (2300 the night before)

I am starting to suspect that parts of the mind that provide the dream content to me are trying to help the mind responsible for lucidity.

Lots of me noticing things are strange. Even a dream that had me check my watch twice for non-dream reasons.

There isn't much to act on here, I don't think. I believe it's a sign of progress and to keep at it.

Watch myself fall asleep. WBTS. WILD. Incubate strawberry donuts. Wake up at 0710.

Invalid ID and No Passport ;_;

I am at an airport. I have landed for my layover, before I get on my flight to Japan. The TSA agent looks at my driver's license and sees a bunch wrong with it.

While he's going over the ID, I notice another one in my wallet. But it both looks like the old style and says it's from the future. I wonder when I got a joke ID.

"This is the wrong date, your name is misspelled, and somehow I'm the person who signed off on this ID... in 1991?" he rattles off.

"Then it's your fault," I say indignantly. He clips my ID, making it void.

Despair waves over me. Then I really I only need my passport anyways. Then I realize I forgot it. Another wave. I think I'm crying, "It's fine, I just won't go to Japan."

Dream Fragment

I'm racing some people to the exit. I think it's a train station. I'm very confused on how to escape the maze-like structure.

Wake (logged at 0740 this morning)

I vaguely remember a chance for WBTS, but just went back to sleep.

Again, the dream I remembered seems to have tried to tell me I was dreaming (the second ID in wallet).

Pre-nap (1428)

Late nap, but I can fit it in!

Just going to go straight to nap. Nothing special to consider today, I don't think.

Post-nap (1450)

Skipped on wake-up.

Daily Entry: October 13th, 2020

Meditation (Day 131)

Prime number day, woo!



  • unity of mind
  • practice intentionality
  • subduing distractions
  • seeing what adept meditation feels like/is
  • overcoming the illusion of self

Intentions for the day:

  • Prep posture as long as necessary, then set intention to sit completely still
  • Before starting to focus on meditation object, cultivate joy
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation (stage 5)
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be (stage 5)
  • Focus exclusively on the meditation object (stage 6)
    • usually the breath at the nose
    • also the body parts being scanned
  • Keep awareness strong so that it can stop distractions and dullness from interfering
  • Specifically be aware of posture and do not give it attention
  • Do not feed distractions with attention (even with labeling now), instead just list the ones you remember during post-meditation reflection
  • Increase the scope of breath attention to more body parts to help subdue subtle distraction

Distractions to look out for:

  • Cardcaptor Sakura
  • Body-scan
  • Cat
  • Wife
  • Dreaming?
  • Fantasy
  • Lovecraft Country
  • Memories
  • Reflection
  • Meta
  • Outside
  • Planning
  • Posture
  • Shoulder
  • Swallowing
  • Vision
  • Blinking
  • Wisdom
  • Work

Post-Meditation (1030)

Today (and for the week) meditation is during primary opslead, so I have to have phone nearby and let slack messages ping. And read them in case I need to act immediately. Slack messages did reach me, but I did not need to act on them. I made sure to keep the breath in conscious awareness, and returned to the session as soon as I could.

Not ideal, but acceptable for the temporality of the week.

Still feels like I'm gaining on learning to focus exclusively, but there's still a lot of leakiness.


Intention (2310 the night before)

Flexibility may be required this coming week. OpsLead and all that. Priorities are sleep, first-and-foremost, then habits that increase dream recollection and lucid dreams.

Until I get paged at night, however, I will continue my habits as is.

Watch myself fall asleep. WBTS. WILD. Incubate strawberry donuts. Wake up at 0720.

Bed time.

Driving a Bed

I feel like I have had several dreams to process this one already. In my head, I was rehearsing the dream, but now it seems I've lost most of it.

There is a large chunk at the beginning missing but what I remember is:

A highway has been built over a particularly busy bit of road. From what I can tell, they did a good job. I am driving my bed down the road. I turn onto the highway when given the green light at the new intersection that I am quite impressed with.

It gets dark very quickly. I realize the highway doesn't have enough lighting and there's no lights to use on my bed. I remember being chewed out for driving this bed in the dark.

Now, I am going downhill, driving next to a car. I realize I have no breaks either. There's construction ahead. I tell the other driver I'm going off road to avoid a crash. They seem appreciative.

I go off road. It is pitch black. There is this gravel texture vibrating through the bed. And then there's nothing. I'm falling. There is a sudden stop.

A large thud.

A loud crack.

The pitch black gains a static, glitchy filter.

Am I dying?

Am I dead?

I wake up.

A lingering tickle encompasses my body. I play the dream over in my head, including a beginning I forgot. It'd be good to write the dream and do WBTS, I think. But I fall asleep. I feel like I fall asleep and dream an abstract dream that processes this one.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0620 this morning)

A late WBTS. I wrote down the above dream and am now going to try to sleep. WILDs take too long (at this point in my capability, anyways), so going to try incubation.

Strange Session

I am having a therapist appointment. I am in a dream bedroom connected to a meeting room where various folk are having an unrelated meeting. I am having an appointment with a therapist I haven't had before. In my mind, it's some sort of substitute setup.

A friend of mine comes out of the meeting room and crosses through the bedroom on his way to the exit (the only way out of the meeting room is through the bedroom). He tries to start a conversation, but I tell him I'm in therapy.

When he leaves, I wonder how he walked past the wire connecting my laptop to the TV in the room. The laptop is on the bed I'm laying on and the TV is on the wall across the path he walked. I don't linger on the thought.

I switch to head phones as more people leave.

Eventually, my friend comes back. He needs to tell me something. I look at my watch: 425. "5 minutes," I tell him. That's not good enough, it seems. I look at my watch again. 90. I realize I'm looking at my heartbeat. I see the little dot moving around the number. "4 minutes, 20 seconds," I change my answer.

But my friend is telling me that our rental on the unit has expired and we need to leave. I end my therapy early.

Wake (logged at 0730 this morning)

I accidentally did a reality check and didn't realize its implications! Looked at that watch three times! So silly. It did kinda come across as the dream trying to tell me I'm dreaming, in retrospect. Especially how the friend kept trying to tell me something.

Perhaps I should set an intention to listen for my mind telling me I'm dreaming.

Pre-nap (1340)

Opslead stuff may interrupt nap. Not going to go too deep on nap stuff today. Want to carve more time for work.

Post-nap (1402)

Nap continues to be good. Visuals were almost convincing today. Some interesting hypnagogy, but don't want to dwell. Just want to reward it enough to encourage it coming again during a better time to assess.

General Thinking

No real experiments this week, as I'm opslead. Though if I change my mind, we'll see. Going to try to make sure I prioritize maintenance ASAP if an opslead page interupts the normal flow.

Daily Entry: October 12th, 2020

Yesterday's dreams will be digitized today.


Yesterday's dreams have been digitized.

Meditation (Day 130)

Prep (0930)

Trying to write the motivations and intentions from memory before looking at them. Feels like a solid idea.


  • Practice Intentionality (set specific intentions)
  • Unity of mind
  • Subduing distractions
  • Overcoming the illusion of self

Intentions for the day:

  • Posture prep as long as necessary (until ready to stay still for the rest of the session)
  • Body-scan when breath loses vividity (and also as part of narrowing attention to breath at nose)
  • Set intention to focus exclusively on the breath at the nose
  • Increase scope of breath attention to more body parts to help subdue subtle distractions
  • Keep awareness strong so that it can stop distractions and dullness from interfering
  • Specifically be aware of posture and do not give it attention
  • Set the intention to stay completely still
  • Do not feed distractions with attention (even with labeling now), instead just list the ones you remember during post-meditation reflection

Expected distractions:

  • Wife
  • Cat
  • Outside
  • Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
  • Cardcaptor Sakura
  • Memories
  • Reflection
  • Planning
  • Meta
  • Posture
  • Shoulder
  • Lower back
  • Body-scan
  • Dreaming?
  • Fantasy
  • Work
  • Timer

Post-Meditation (1035)

Another best day. At this point I feel almost certain that stage 4 is in my version of mastered. Stage 5 may be, as well, even. The breath was basically always vivid. My hesitation to label either was all the distractions I was noticing, but with stage 6 intentions I'm already overcoming them (though still there are a lot). And as the book noted, it's not that I'm having more distractions, it's that I'm noticing more of them.

But wow, I also feel great. It's like when I started meditation 130 days ago. It's even following me around throughout the day. Exclusive focus is super neat.


Intention (2310 the night before)

The color of the walls were the color of strawberry donut frosting. Maybe I'm close? Let's try again.

Watch myself fall asleep. WBTS. WILD.

Wake up at 0720.

Sleep time.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0400 this morning)

I woke up convinced it'd be well-past 0700 already.

Wonder why I felt that way. No early-REM dreams coming to me. I have iterated through various tags, which sometimes helps jog them into consciousness.

Very hypnagogic right now. Almost just fell into a dream, it felt like. Can't remember it, either, though it felt like for a second I remembered a dream.

"Strawberry Fields Forever" is a song that keeps coming to me, I think it's in the strawberry incubation attempts. Pretty certain, in fact, as sometimes I sing "Strawberry donuts forever".

Well, I think I may be able to WILD in this state. So, let's try.

Wake (logged at 0711 this morning)

I awoke with a dream fragment but by the time I got to my journal it was already gone. I'll learn better capture methods as these continue to happen, I'm sure.

The hypnagogy this morning is strong. Lots of nonsense. One unrelated thought with no context after another. Perhaps this was what my dreams were like last night. (Future note [1557]: I have a feeling it is useful for finding random connections between sub-minds. Something certainly feels powerful about it.)

There's still a chance they'll come, though. But even if not: my habits were solid, and now a day I don't remember a dream is rare. That's solid! In isolation, I don't consider an inability to remember a dream a problem.

Also, I've been waking up at or before the intended time, and doing so quite joyfully. Which was an explicitly higher priority thing, that I don't seem to have to compromise on given my growing note-taking-at-night habits.

Pre-nap (1500)

Late nap with some diet Dr Pepper caffeine processing through my system. What might happen? I find meditation is on the mind lately, during these pre-nap bits. Makes sense. Leveled up recently, I'm pretty sure. This maybe deserves its own place for thinking.

Anyways, as per usual, practice habits, but prioritize good nap.

Dream Fragment (1520)

Computer glitching out like it used to. Causing me great frustration.

Post-nap (1521)

Main wisdom takeaway before any other reflection: "Kids are not taught to process their emotions. To communicate them. To understand them in a way that they can store them. And so as adults they don't remember them. The damage this causes is double: the damage of the unprocessed emotion has not been treated, and the damage is hard to locate because there is no thread of understanding to find it."

This quote, which I have expanded, came to me as I explored a past childhood home in my mind. The exploration uncovered memories. One was that of getting Ocarina of Time as a Christmas present, and the temper tantrum that exploded shortly before Christmas (as I was convinced I wouldn't get it, and was furious my parents wouldn't let me buy it with my own money).

I tried to feel the emotion again, but I could not. Then, it was as if I spoke the above quote to my own child.

There are other things I remember, but I am deciding they do not need to be written.

Daily Entry: October 11th, 2020

Meditation (Day 129)

Prep (0930)

I'm doing a new thing today with prep. I'll do every part of prep except for posture stuff off the cushion. Then, as soon as I sit on cushion, I'll start timer as usual, but I can start with posture. This means either giving posture more time (good) or having more meditating on the focus object (also good).

This also means that I can check against my written notes right after doing a prep stage. I have it set up in notion to hide my notes below a fold. I'll first recite what I think the prep is, then check the prep, and update the template as appropriate.

The prep document will also be a good place for generic notes. Hence a template and not a static page in Notion.

Though perhaps making all these places where I do general thinking along a theme a static page makes more sense? Could very quickly see what yesterday me had to say....

Worth considering, actually.

Intentions for the day will live there, and be copied here after I have decided on them. Should stay the same, mostly, but now they won't be hanging there when I init this document in the morning.

  • Practice Intentionality (set specific intentions)
  • Unity of mind
  • Subduing distractions
  • Overcoming the illusion of self

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation (stage 5)
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be (stage 5)
  • Set the intention to focus attention exclusively on the meditation object (the breath)
  • Keep awareness strong so that it can stop distractions and dullness from interfering
  • Specifically be aware of posture and do not give it attention
  • Set the intention to stay completely still
  • Do not feed distractions with attention (even with labeling now), instead just list the ones you remember during post-meditation reflection

Post-Meditation (1100)

Cardcaptor Sakura opening theme has now broken record for most meditations stuck in head. It was very rare for a song to show up more than two days in a row, this one has been around for a least a week. Think I'll actually memorize it, as I read that's a good way to get a song out of your head (apparently, the loop is stuck sometimes because the brain doesn't know how to end it and so will pattern match an earlier part of the song, basically it's the song that never ends rules). Though, also, new intention to subdue subtle distractions may help a lot.

Today is, once again, new best day. I believe it is due to new (stage 6) intention: "focus exclusively on the breath". This intention made sure that distractions were subtle at worst. Though, still lots of subtle distractions. It's a mind-training exercise. Intention alone does a lot, but training is going to be the main thing. But I noticed a "focus exclusively on the breath" alarm basically right as a subtle distraction budded.

The breath was very vivid. The session did not feel longer like I anticipated, but I believe that is due to the novelty of what I was doing, and also a lot more narration to return to the breath. I may work on having an alarm without the narration, but typically narration is a good bit of beginning scaffolding.

Very excited to read the rest of stage 6 (and also stage 7) and make Anki notes out of key takeaways.

If today is repeatable, stage 4 mastery will be checked on Sunday, October 18th (2020).


It occurs to me that although I log my dreams before meditation (usually), I don't digitize them and then put them into this document until much later. As such, better to put it below meditation.

Intention (2305 the night before)

Watch myself fall asleep. Incubate the donuts.

Try to summon donuts if I'm mindful in the dream. WBTS. WILD.

Still feeling good! Lots of stuff to play with.

Let's also wake up at 0720.

I'm in the Middle

I believe I am a member of the Malcolm in the Middle family. Our mischeif has just put Hal in terrible danger. He has inhaled nitrous and is at the bottom of a creek in a vehicle.

We are getting chewed out by Lois.

There's more to the narrative, but I can't get at it. That's all I remember.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0350 this morning)

Remembered an early REM dream. A bit, anyways.

Incubating donuts and watching myself fall asleep (WILD attempt).

Dream Fragment

Conserving resources in a war-ravaged landscape.

Strawberry Pink Walls

I am on a bus. People are complaining about the new driver. "Apparently today is her 18th birthday," someone says. She keeps forgetting to stop at her stops. My stop is coming up. I pull the cord to signal. She stops the bus, but doesn't let me out.

"Aren't you going to let me out?" She tells me no and I jump out of the bus. I may have jumped through a closed window, but it didn't break or anything.

I'm visiting the area for some reason. It feels like a work trip, but I never go to work.

I am on a bus again. I have opinions about this bus route. I tell the driver they should stop at this stop that's along the route that the bus doesn't stop at because there's a left turn fairly soon after it. The driver ignores my advice.

It turns out I was telling the driver this so that a person would get off at this more convenient stop, and then the person who got on at the next stop wouldn't cause a fight (these two people were angry at each other). A minor interaction occurs, and one of them get off the bus early.

I'm trying to get to my friend's new house, but I'm having trouble. I call to ask for directions. It becomes a video call, and a 3D fly-over view shows me where she lives. No bus routes to get there.

But now I'm there and getting a tour. I can only see things from an isometric view, fixed angle, but I can see thru the wall to the inside. Kinda like the Sims.

The walls are pink. Something seems particularly relevant about them. I ask what color they are, but my friend consistently gives the wrong answer. I realize now as I write this down that it was the same pink as the strawberry donut frosting.

I am home now, but it's a dream home. I "remember" taking a flight home. I go to take a shower, but wife using it. I join her.

Wake (logged at 0728 this morning)

I laid still and said some common dream tags when I woke up. Eventually, I found a dream I remembered, though it had none of the tags I went over at the time (does have some dream tags I've made before, though).

Also, the color of strawberry donuts showed up and I was calling it out. That's interesting. Going to tag that dream as "incubated" and "tricky".

Pre-nap (1345)

No lucid dream last night, but maybe the pink walls were close to causing a DILD? It was hard to keep the mind focused both times falling asleep. Really solid that WBTS happened, though.

Anyways, let's nap.

Post-nap (1415)

Cardcaptor Sakura theme still playing. Something about focusing on the breath triggers it now. I'll work on it.

Visualized an endless blue sea today. This was a trick I used back in the day to avoid visualizing something that would cause me to move in real life (and thus wake me up). For example, if I visualized walking, I would trip, go to catch myself, and wake myself up doing that movement in real life. But swimming in an endless blue (in all directions) avoided this.

Perhaps this could be worked into my WILD technique?

Napping continues to melt away all the things.

I also did some analysis on Japanese studying:

  • should just go ahead and watch some shows without subtitles (that I don't care about) and do my best (神庭って)
  • should go through that textbook I have (みんなの日本語)


No special meditation today. Though trying out stage 6 stuff was pretty new and interesting, and seemed to last with me throughout the day (in a good way).

General Thinking

Once again I come upon "Call Think about Babuska, grandparents, people who're gone"....

I have had this physical card since August 22nd, 2014. On the back I noted its creation. I also noted the day Babuska died, on February 17th, 2015. And on the 21st I crossed out "Call" and wrote "Think about" above (adding grandparents and people who're gone to then end).

I called her every week for about 16 weeks. I called her plenty before, but this reminder made it a consistent weekly thing.

One of the calls, she told me how she wasn't going to be around much longer. She did this a lot, actually. Every time I told she'd be around another 20 years at least. This time she pushed back a bit. "I'm ready to go," I think she said. Tears started flowing, no control. My voice cracked. I told her how it made me feel, and she was understanding but still firm.

She had a way in saying "I love you" that was all hers. It was like she was singing it, with extra height and emphasis on the "love". She managed to say it that way even on her death bed.

I know she wasn't perfect, though my experience with her was only positive. All of her kids didn't seem to like her very much. But still, you know, I have this pure love for her. And I'm glad I have this physical card to remind me to think of her. Maybe instead of adding those generics, each person I want to think about should get their own. Perhaps there's something strong about the physicality of it.

Today's dreams will be digitized tomorrow.

Daily Entry: October 10th, 2020


Intention (2337 the night before)

Got some tingles on reading what stage 6 of meditation is: "Subduing Subtle Distractions." That's an exciting prospect. I'm going to read through stages 6 & 7 and go and revisit stages 4 & 5 in case there's some stuff I missed or didn't understand in my stage 2 context.

That's all a bit of distraction, though. It's intent time! It's a bit late, so some sleep-in is acceptable. Also, opslead next week, good to get extra sleep when possible.

So, then, WBTS and incubation and DILDs and WILDs.

I'd like to continue practice watching myself fall asleep, both here and now and then WILD after WBTS.

Feeling real good. Thanks me-at-the-moment for working in harmony with past and future!

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0445 this morning)

Don't remember any early REM dreams. I think one of them may have been stretching or exercise related.

Watched myself falling asleep to a pretty late stage, but definitely not as late as I've managed in the past. Will try to WILD, still.

Going to try mind-chanting "strawberry donuts" as I fall back to sleep.

WILDs Be Mild

So, I can kinda watch myself fall asleep into dreaming. The problem is that I dream about trying to fall asleep. This happened twice.

Though, in the second dream, the dream continued for a bit.

There is a pun I say. I am a woman. Maybe Batgirl.

There is some naughty shenanigans in conveniently empty bits of the city.

Maybe Not So Mild

So, this dream I know is a dream, but I'm still falling for the logic of it. The wife is with me, and I am fully convinced I'm sharing the dream with her. I do not remember realizing it's a dream, I think I know from the beginning. (Successful WILD?)

I both have little control and do not ever think I have control in the dream. There is a central room we keep returning to, often on accident via dream teleportation.

We are exploring a city. There is some naughty shenanigans in conveniently empty bits of the city.

At one point we go looking for a naughty store. After a long bit of walking, we end up in a really dark room. I realize where we are and the lights turn on. It's the room we keep returning to.

The wife is visibly frustrated. "Why are you doing this?" she asks me.

"I'm not doing it on purpose, and you may be doing it," I plead. We calm down and explore the room.

I think about it and deduce that we must have entered through the fridge. Our brown tabby cat, Yoda, shows up. So does my aunt. She brings one of her cats, but it isn't the black and white one or the pure black one, but a dream-only cat that looks a lot like Yoda.

At some point I wonder how much longer the dream could last.

That's all I remember.

AirBnb Why

I am staying at an airbnb. I thought it would be a normal hotel, and am a bit angry, because I no longer trust AirBnb. There are various little things funky about the place, but it's hard to recall. The owner/manager seems to at least live in the place and is renting out a room, which makes me feel better.

Wake (logged at 0735 this morning)

This morning confirmed something for me that I had a feeling was true, but wasn't sure: I can in fact fail to recall a lucid dream. That I remembered it was luck.

Also, the lucid dream fell into a different place than the previous ones. Similar to how I can know I'm awake but not be "lucid" in the waking world, I can know it's a dream and not be "lucid".

Not sure what I should do with this realization. Need more data.

Still, pretty cool. Liking how things are going.

Dream Fragment (recollected at 0957)

At some point, I look at my rubber coated stretching staff and notice the gold icon is back and more vibrant than ever.

Pre-nap (1445)

It's a bit pre-mature, but I have a feeling that lucid dreams are about to become much more frequent. And also perhaps much more... tricky? Realizing I'm in a dream may stop being novel and lead to something I'd call "pseudo-lucidity". Yeah, I know it's a dream, but I'm not mindful of it or of much of anything.

I think it's too soon to start addressing this issue. It may not be a real or common problem. But I want to note it. This way, if it is a problem, I decide to start working with it sooner.

Oh, also, reality checks are really building as a habit. Cool.

Nap time (1450).

Post-nap (1505)

Breath on nose still vivid. Working on playing out a scene that maybe helps incubation. Visualized and went through the process of baking strawberry donuts. I am also considering trying to remember to summon strawberry donuts when I know I'm dreaming. A mindfulness check, if you will.

Meditation (Day 128)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be

Post-Meditation (1115)

I am able to recall much more of my distractions. Which looks like I'm getting distracted more, though it is still much less. Today a gross distraction snuck in.

I'm playing with and expanding my (limited) understanding of the mind-system model whilst on the cushion now. I believe it will further cement stage 4, leading to a real mastery. Body-scanning is happening again, and the breath is quite vivid for a long time, though I still don't have stamina for the whole session (though regaining the vividness with a body-scan does not seem to induce dullness).

Cascading distractions don't happen, but they can still come in clusters. Which is distinctly different but similar. I'm learning to handle this in a slightly different way than cascading distractions. Though I'm also exploring the mind for the different cause. It's a fun new thing to notice, that I'm sure I confused with cascading distractions before.

Today's a power-of-two day! That's fun. It's a power of 2 after a prime number, to boot!

Not a best day but still a great day. It's also putting me in a good place for the rest of the day, as per usual.

General Thinking

Today was mostly a get overflow stuff done day. Did a pretty good job of it. Also, some interesting thinking has arisen from dream journal.

Daily Entry: October 9th, 2020


Intention (2255 the night before)

Have some catching up to do, work-wise. Sleep more important than detail, but would still like to try WBTS and "at least one sentence" compromise.

Two lucid dreams in a row would be rad.

Strawberry donuts incubation time!

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0350 this morning)

No early dreams remembered, I don't think.

I want to:

  • lucid dream
  • incubate strawberry donut
  • wake up at 0650

Wake (logged at 0650 this morning)

No dreams remembered, but did wake up at desired time. Thinking a lot of Legend of Korra for some reason. Perhaps I had some processing dreams.

It's not too late to remember, either. The dreams sometimes come to me during morning routine.

Also, still stoked about journal habit.

Scattered Fragments

The wife triggered a dream recollection (thanks the wife!).

I am in a large, communal kitchen. I am very hungry, but there is only steak to eat. I start cooking a steak on a cast iron. After it is finished cooking, I decide against eating it and give it to a passerby. I may have taken a bite and decided I really didn't want it, I'm not sure.

I am running down a highway road, in a tunnel. Cars are approaching, but I'm not obstructing traffic yet. Eventually, I see a walkable area and get out of traffic. This may have been a different dream.

Pre-nap (1206)

Drill dream habits, have good nap.

Post-nap (1223)

Something interesting came to me, but it melted away with everything else as I relaxed. Perhaps it will come back.

Meditation (Day 127)

Today's another prime number day, woo!

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be

Post-Meditation (1000)

Super powerful day. Nothing super new to note. I'm reading more Mind Illuminated and am reflecting using the Mind-System model of the mind.

Will be reading mind illuminated until I've read through stage 7, so there'll be new info for me to make use of.


Meeting and then a happy hour during the normally scheduled special meditation. Will try on weekend.

General Thinking

Already up too late here.... I think my form is leading to good dividends, in various places! Maybe I'll talk more about that over the weekend.

Daily Entry: October 8th, 2020


Intention (2215 the night before)

Keep on drilling the writing in journal habit. It's really starting to come along. Hoping to write in journal at various wake-ups throughout the night.

Still incubating a strawberry donut dream. Seems I accidentally incubated a dream of an aunt. So, incubation is possible! Maybe I should reflect on how that happened.

DILDs and WILDs are also possible, I know. Just gotta keep trying.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0430 this morning)

There's a vague dream in my mind, I think. But I can't access it. When I lay back down, maybe it'll come back to me.


Anyways, I want to:

  • wake up at 0700
  • WILD
  • incubate strawberry donut dream

Back to sleep.

Dream Powers Activate

I am on a bus. It's my stop, so I get off. I run into friends from college Vineet and Greg. Vineet is throwing golf balls. Bouncing them off of Greg. I stop one from going into the street. This is how I run into them.

"Golf ball doesn't bounce off people so good, but if you miss, it might bounce off right into the street," I say. I keep the golf ball and Vineet and Greg walk away and Vineet pulls out more to throw at Greg. I put the golf ball in my mouth only to realize I shouldn't be doing that.

I get lost while walking around. It's night time and I can't see very well. At one point, I get to a precarious cliff with stairs that lead down to a road far below. The stairs look solid, and there are hand rails on each side to not fall. But I don't trust it and go a different way. I think about how weird the cliff is, in the middle of the city, as it doesn't seem hilly otherwise.

I am in a store. I go to buy something at the front desk. At the front desk, no one is there. I am still suspcious from earlier events. There is a monitor behind the front desk. Looking at it, I see it blinking. There's white text on a black background. I can't read the text, but I can tell it keeps changing.

"I'm dreaming." Everything shutters. It's kinda like the dream will collapse, but I'm confident it will not. I go to the door to leave the store. "Take me where I need to go," I tell it.

I go thru it and... I'm on the other side of the store front desk. At first, I think I've been trolled, but the building isn't a store anymore. It's a dream home, and I go to dream bed to tell the wife I'm lucid dreaming.

The conversation is incoherent, but makes sense to me at the time. I think in the moment how this must be what talking to me is like when I'm sleep talking. There's a phone I'm talking on as well, with my friend. Eventually my friend is just there. Sometimes he's my friend, and sometimes he's my cousin.

At some point, fed up with friend's presence, I tell him to leave. He goes to leave in a robotic manner, but stops at the door. I tell him more forcefully to leave, but I don't expect him to. I expect him to come face me in a slightly creepy way and he does. I punch him and he catches my fist. I convince him to leave by leaving with him. It's still night outside.

No one around anymore. I go up to a metal barrier and press my hand against it. I push and my hand slides through the metal. My hand feels cold, and also stings a bit.

I raise my hand like Superman. "Fly," I say. Nothing happens at first while I stand there motionless. Then, slowly, I start to float upwards. I get to a height that makes me nervous and I will myself down. To avoid falling too fast, I fall like a feather.

It's morning, and I'm with friend/cousin again. There's a person here to take him away. I decide to go with him. "I was going to take you, too, anyway," the driver says when I tell him.

The car I get in is cluttered with junk. I push it all out and sit comfortably in the back with friend/cousin.

I look at the GPS map showing the path we're taking. We turn left on a road, as instructed, but the map says we'll turn around and come back to this road. We might as well have gone straight. Taking a detour for no reason.. Seems inefficient.

Friend/cousin gestures his hand to tell me I should fast-forward this bit. I don't know how long the dream will last, so I heartily agree. I make the same gesture, and everything fast-forwards. We arrive at a mansion and I return the flow of time to normal.

There's two sets of steps leading up to two entrances, a main one and a side one. Up the side one is a butler who basically looks like Alfred (from Batman). Up the main one is the master of the estate. He's a black man with smooth skin, but solid grey, long, and curly hair. I look back at the butler and now he's also black. I try to fly up the stairs but I fail. One of them tell me I can't fly here. I'm not sure if they're preventing me or telling me I lack the skill.

I'm in the mansion now, and I find myself thinking about the feeling of being in a dream. It's hard, when awake, to really know if dreaming is mostly indistinguishable from the waking experience. I often have memories in third-person, regardless of dream. When napping I'm mostly visualizing, not experiencing sight from my eyes. But here and now it occurs to me to think about it.

It is, in fact, like waking life. I am seeing through my eyes and moving my body. I knew this to be true intellectually, but still had doubts until this check. I am very pleased with having done this check.

We are at the mansion to practice music. There's a violin, but I don't remember if I play it. The music I never hear, I don't think. Next thing I know the dream is now nothing but an abstract digital document that is the history of our music practice.

One section is a collapsed folder of data. The title is "lucid dream." I can feel the dream ending. I wake up. I reality check and write the dream down.

Super cool dream. Took me 40 minutes to write it down.

Wake (logged at 0810 this morning)

I have a couple more dreams, but need to get the day started. Will write two anchor sentences and see if I can remember more of the dream later.

Superheroes out for a swim.

Abandoned by "Special Agent" con artist.

Really happy with habits and results of last night!

Pre-nap (1330)

Liking habits. Only thing is want tow wake up sooner in the morning (at least as early as 0700). Not sure how much night writing is decreasing quantity or quality of sleep, though.

In any case, drilling journal habits with nap, but focusing on nap being nap otherwise (aka restful is main priority).

Post-nap (1350)

Naps feel very healing. Mind already still feeling powerful from meditation, but this is like a quick recharge from 95% to 100% for mind, and then also various little aches in the body go away.

Mind went to a lot of places, but nothing much worth saving in writing.

Meditation (Day 126)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be

Post-Meditation (1050)

Once again, I believe today is a new best day. Really have the "brain is focused to the point of fire" feeling right now. Feels great.

Only "gross" distraction was body scan. Though, I may have not been as strict as my current rule. The fuzziness makes distractions hard to place. Was the distraction processing in background and I caught it as it entered attention, or did the breath go to awareness. It's hard. I use the vividness of breath to guide me, but that may not be a silver bullet.

No pain today. I think I'll work on my lotus flexibility when sitting in front of TV (been working on that habit) and do the setup I did today everyday. Special meditations I can practice posture that requires greater flexibility.

I may "check off" stage 4 as mastered this weekend, but really that means I work more in stage 5, but that stage 4 has some stuff to perfect that could be another few weeks or so. I believe that stage 5 work will help refine stage 4, however.

Today was the closest I got to staying completely still. Further, there was almost no aggravation anywhere the entire sit.


Special meditation today was more spotting distractions and really seeing my mind work. Less focus on vividness of breath, though it did end up quite vidid.

General Thinking

I had something I wanted to write here today, but I have since forgotten.... In any case, want to wake up a little bit before 0700 to get a super solid start to the day in.

Daily Entry: October 7th, 2020

Calendar says today going to be busy.


Intention (2215 the night before)

WBTS would be nice. Dreams have been hard to remember lately. Not waiting too long. Just buried or something. Hoping as I keep trying that I get better at remembering.

Just keep drilling healthy habits.

Strawberry donuts will be in my dreams eventually.

Wake-Back-to-Sleep (logged at 0300 this morning)

There's a problem my brain is trying to solve, that I don't need to solve, that must be from the dream I was having but don't remember.

Something about picking the right next number. Using some sort of indexing algorithm.

In any case, would like to try a WILD now.

Aunt Lydia and Misc

I am riding my bike to my parents. Their place is not the compound, but a place only in dreams. I am sneakily doing something I forgot, so as not to get my parents' attention. From the dining room, I hear talking. My aunt Lydia's voice is something I make out.

Now we're sitting in the living room. I'm talking with Lydia about something. At some point I tell her how weird this is, as I was just talking about her.

I think at another point I talk to my dad. Don't remember what it was. First dream with dad without conflict? Strongest call out in dream? Feels like I was close to realizing it was a dream.

That' all I remember.

Wake (logged at 0750 this morning)

Slept in a bit. Had trouble keeping mind on incubation topic or trying to WILD. Remembered one dream, though, and wrote it down before going back to bed, to boot! That's gradual progress right there.

Red Vines Samples

Remembering dream (0840). I am at grocery store. There is an open bag of red vines in the refrigerated area. I decide to take a sample of these instead of grabbing an unopened bag for purchase. I realize this isn't right and take the bag to buy. It further occurs to me that the already-open bag is not hygenic.

Dream Family Shenanigans

Another (0840)! I am at a dream-property. There's a large, outdoor covered area for parking, and three, 3-story town homes.

A family member owns the properties and lives in the middle. At some point, my sister enters the neighbor's house, though I warn her that that's breaking and entering.

I follow her to get her to leave.

Speech Anxiety

Another (0840)! I am at my friend's parents'. My friend is also there. He had to give a speech, but failed. He asked to stop halfway through, took a break, and came back and finished.

I tell him that I broke down into tears giving a speech. Tell him that I know the feeling.

Pre-nap (1215)

Not enough time for proper pre-nap.

Laying down now.

Post-nap (1230)

No post-nap writing, straight to side-project stuff before straight to work.

Meditation (Day 125)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Body-scan during the "focus on the breath throughout the body" beginning part of meditation
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be


Nothing huge to note today. Good meditation. Lots of distractions coming at me. Feel I still did a pretty good job. Did need to use all my ways of settling the mind (counting breath, visualizing breath as graph, echoing breath in mind).


No special meditation today. Meeting during planned time, and after that meeting I was exhausted. Flexibility is important.

General Thinking

I've made a general thinking area in Notion now, as well. The idea is that anything that goes here will go there, and like my meditation thinking, I can easily copy it to a post with a topic centered on whatever I wrote about. This bit of writing, for instance, may go into a post I have called "Why Daily Entries?"

Daily Entry: October 6th, 2020

Will note in general thinking when I fill in yesterday's dream journal writings.


Intention (2245 the night before)

Some small tweaks to intent today. Going harder on incubating donuts. Also, going to set an intention to wake up at 0700. WBTS will stay in "nice-to-have" land.

Have some morning errands tomorrow and need some efficiency in the morning. Waking up on time would help immensely.

Bed time!

Wake (logged at 0710 this morning)

A little after 0700, but pretty good. Some dreams, but really hard to put into words. Lovecraft Country related, I think.

Time to start the day! Gots to be fast to get meditation in before errands.

Pre-nap (1235)

Yesterday's nap felt really good. I'm thinking maybe put off "incubating" nap topics for a long while. If want to do sooner, should make time for analytical meditation, instead.

So, let's relax and heal and try to be conscious of hypnagogy.

Post-nap (1258)

Relaxing and healing. Short bits of hypnagogic vision. Centralization project in FE (work idea). Wisdom that I have forgotten.

Not going to write everything. Have a meeting to get to.

Meditation (Day 124)

Intentions for the day:

  • Stay in posture part of prep until you're prepared to set the intention to stay still
  • Stage 4 intention (vigilance on keeping introspective awareness continuous)
  • Fall back to stage 3 if necessary
  • Note where the breath was when you label a distraction (attention, awareness, or forgotten)
  • Try to catch a distraction as it enters awareness and/or attention
  • Body-scan (one time) when few distractions and when focus not as vivid as could be


I am very close to being able to consistently sit still the whole meditation. The only thing that stopped me this time, was I pushed my lotus a bit far and lost circulation very quickly. Even then, I stayed in that position well past normal (and it was amazing to break past the first bit of pain). The second bit of pain was too big a wall to climb, though.

I think, also, that my weight isn't evenly distributed in my half-lotus. It's something I can try to set up during posture prep. Also, really make a groove in the cushion so I'm not losing circulation from pressure on the butt.

Gross distractions still happening, but they're not the same as before. Cascading distractions (where one gross distraction opens the floodgates) aren't really happening at all, I've noticed. Stage 4 mastery is very near, I feel it.

I've made body-scan part of the 3rd step of focusing on the meditation object. The 4 steps being:

  1. Focus on the present
  2. Focus on the body
  3. Focus on the sensations of breath throughout the body
  4. Focus on the sensation of breath at the nose

This means it isn't a gross distraction at the time, though if I lose vividness later, I plan on doing it again. Also, it isn't so tiring that I struggle with dullness the rest of the session. I think this is a solid tweak to my process.


So, morning meditations are the goal again, and 1600 short meditation sessions are also a goal (to try the other types of meditation, or to focus on something other than the breath).

General Thinking

Yesterday's post updated with dreams.

Having naps be naps again is very energizing. Going to stick with these kinds of naps for a while.