Daily Entry: May 7th, 2018

Mon May 07 16:32:44 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0500: 5 minutes
    • 0620: 5 minutes
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0730
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0730
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Attempt. 1430: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • @1000 15 mL caffeine (Brew Dr. Kombucha)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 3
Mon May 07 16:33:26 UTC 2018


  • @0730: 215.0 lbs
  • @1800: 213.8 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Protein @0730:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Snack @0930:

  • Watermelon: 50 (250)

Jumpstart Mondays @1000:

  • Some almond milk oatmeal thing: 600 (850)
  • Hummus: 150 (1000)
  • Carrots: 20 (1020)
  • Brew Dr. Kombuncha: 60 (1080)

Lunch @1200:

  • Bread: 140 (1220)
  • Avocado: 300 (1520)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (1590)
  • Banana: 100 (1690)
  • Apple: 100 (1790)
  • Clementine: 35 (1825)

Protein @1500:

  • Pea protein: 100 (1925)
  • Clementine: 35 (1960)

Dinner @1900:

  • Vegan breakfast burrito: 1000 (2960)
  • Watermelon: 50 (3010)
  • Banana: 100 (3110)

Protein @2130:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3210)
  • Banana: 100 (3310)
Mon May 07 16:35:52 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 Morning routine
0800 Climbing
0830 Climbing
0900 Shower
0930 PLANNING and Run to work
1000 Jumpstart Mondays
1030 Arb3 Test PR Documentation Socializing
1100 Arb3 Test PR Documentation
1130 Arb3 Test PR Documentation
1200 Lunch
1230 Library!
1300 NAP Arb3 Test PR Documentation
1330 Arb3 Test PR Documentation Arb3 Test PR Documentation
1400 Arb3 Test PR Documentation Seattle Prodeng Standup
1430 Arb3 Test PR Documentation NAP
1500 Arb3 Test PR Documentation Test experiement
1530 Arb3 Test PR Documentation Test experiement
1600 Reading buffer Test experiement
1630 End of day review Workspaces Startup
1700 Run home PR Documentation
1730 Stretching/Shower Run home
1800 Cooking Grocery shopping
1830 Cooking
1900 Eating and TV: Overwatch
1930 Gaming: Overwatch
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Personal time
2100 TV: Santa Clarita Diet
2130 End of day routine
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Tue May 08 04:26:58 UTC 2018

I have switched the order of the last two time block items before bed. Doing my end-of-day routine before TV often left me startin TV late, and thus we'd watch Overwatch players on YouTube instead of the ever-growing shows we plan on watching.

The wife and I disucssed this habit, and we have decided to watch Overwatch before playing (and while eating), and watch a show before bed.

Anyways, two Saturdays have passed without me doing personal project work, and thus some thinking is in order.

I think an important first question is: Do I need the break? Someone has sent me some links to this effect. When Distraction is a Good Thing.

On one hand, I'm filling that time with mostly aimless YouTube and blog reading. Even a bit of Twitter sometimes (thankfully Reddit has been kept properly away). These are things that I feel better for not consuming during the week or consuming by myself.

On one hand, it's certainly possible that I need the day. I also don't spend that much time on the time-wasting sites, though I think that if I'm going to spend time on those sites, forcing that time to live in a specific time-block would be ideal.

Other time is spent playing single-player games, literally just sitting/laying down and thinking, and socializing with non-work friends. The latter took up half of each Saturday, and it was good to play some MTG with old college friends.

Also, the thinking. Sometimes I spend time thinking about my thinking habit. I find myself thinking maybe I should be writing down my thoughts. It often proves more powerful. But maybe I also need time to just let things bubble in my head before they're really ready to be proper words in a text editor.

But there's also some really good little stand alone sentences I have whilst bubbling. Stuff that simmers aways like dreams. I like to construct fun sentences. A personal sort of poetry. A lot of it is like me giving some imaginary speech about some imaginary (or even very real) cause.

I don't know if it's good, but I like it, and I think it may be one of the few things that I'd like to revist.

This diary. Most of it I won't look back on. It's a means of having a conversation with myself, and also serves the purpose of keeping people who want to stay informed on my life stay informed. Which is exactly what I want this sort of thing to be.

It's why Facebook and Twitter were never things I posted to. Facebook and Twitter felt like me saying things towards some other person. Not a specific one, though. The ether. A non-person. A Schroeder's group. Everyone and no one until someone specific replied.

But I'm a direct message kind of person. I don't shout into the ether. I speak towawrds specific people. Others can listen in, depending on the context, but the specific person is valuable, Stephan.

And, man, this diary. This diary is becoming exactly what I wanted it to be way back when I first started it back on March 8th, 2017.

And now I've distracted myself. I've been timestamping my wake-ups throughout the night, but markdown is compiling that to ordered list stuff.

Need to do some quick sed-fu.

Tue May 08 05:08:36 UTC 2018

Fixed! Time for bed. The command I used was:

sed -i.bak 's/\(\* [0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.\([^$]\)/\1:\2/g' *

I'll leave the backup files for a bit just in case something went hilariously wrong, but it looks right.

Nah. I'm removing them now. I trust myself.

Tue May 08 05:12:16 UTC 2018

For future purposes, though, I finally went ahead and git repo'd the directory where all these posts live. I'll commit before doing a sed in the future. That way I can look at the diff and make sure it only changed what I wanted. That would've been smart in this case. Too late now.

Daily Entry: May 6th, 2018

Sun May 06 16:25:36 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2300
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2300
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 20 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes
    • 0700: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0830
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0830
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Stayed late at friend's playing MTG
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1515: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • @1100 30 mg caffeine (16 oz. decaf soy latte)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 4
Sun May 06 16:26:52 UTC 2018


  • @0830: 215.0 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Protein @0900:

  • Pistachio: 230
  • Ripple pea milk: 100 (330)
  • Strawberries: 30 (360)
  • Blueberries: 40 (400)

Cat cafe coffee @1100:

  • 16 oz decaf soy latte: 150 (550)

Lunch @1300:

  • No Bones Restaurant: 1000 (1550)

Protein @1600:

  • Pea protein: 50 (1600)
  • Banana: 100 (1700)
  • Oats: 280 (1980)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (2050)

Dinner @1900:

  • Watermelon: 200 (2250)
  • Banana: 200 (2450)

Protein @2130:

  • Pea protein: 100 (2550)
  • Banana: 100 (2650)
Sun May 06 16:30:15 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 Morning routine
0900 TV: Three Arrows
1000 Travel to cat cafe
1030 Hanging out
1100 Cat cafe
1130 Cat cafe
1200 Day belongs to wife
1230 Day belongs to wife
1300 Day belongs to wife
1330 Day belongs to wife
1400 Day belongs to wife
1430 Day belongs to wife
1500 NAP
1530 Day belongs to wife
1600 Day belongs to wife
1630 Day belongs to wife
1700 Day belongs to wife
1730 Day belongs to wife
1800 Day belongs to wife
1830 Day belongs to wife
1900 Day belongs to wife
1930 Day belongs to wife
2000 Day belongs to wife
2030 Day belongs to wife
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Sun May 06 16:32:09 UTC 2018

I watched Jordan Peterson Doesn't Understand: Nazism. And I learned some history for it.

The First 20 Hours is due back at the Seattle Library tomorrow. So I should probably write down what I want to write down from it whilst I have time today.

Rapid Skill Acquisition:

  • Deconstructing a skill into the smallest possible subsets
  • Learning enough about each subskill to be able to practice intelligently
  • Removing physical, mental, and emotional barriers that get in the way of practice
  • Practicing the most important subskills for at least 20 hours

The 3-Stage Model of Skill Acquisition:

  • Cognitive (Early) Stage: Understanding what you're trying to do, researching, thinking about the process, and breaking the skill into manageable parts
  • Associative (Intermediate) Stage: practicing the task, noticing environmental feedback, and adjusting your approach based on that feedback
  • Autonomous (Late) Stage: performing the skill effectively and efficiently without thinking about it or paying unnecessary attention to the process

Source: "VanLehn, Kurt. "Cognitive Skill Acquisition." Annual Review of Psychology 47, no. 1 (1996): 513-539

Ten Principles of Rapid Skill Acquisition:

  • Choose a lovable project.
  • Focus your energy on one skill at a time.
  • Define your target performance level.
  • Deconstruct the skill into subskills.
  • Obtain critical tools.
  • Eliminate barriers to practice.
  • Make dedicated time for practice.
  • Create fast feedback loops.
  • Practice by the clock in short bursts.
  • Emphasize quantity and speed.

That's basically what I wanted for reference, I think. There's lots of other good stuff, but I think I filed it away into my Spark File. Which needs to be reorganized and some stuff put into better places.

Anyways, I need to get ready for the cat cafe.

Daily Entry: May 5th, 2018

Sat May 05 18:22:28 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2210
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2210
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 10 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0500: 5 minutes.
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0800
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0800
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours 30 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1215: 35 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 3
Sat May 05 18:23:18 UTC 2018


  • @0830: 215.0 lbs
  • @1020: 214.0 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Protein @0830:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Breakfast @1100:

  • Bagel: 230: (430)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (500)
  • Blueberries: 50 (550)
  • Strawberries: 50 (600)
  • Peanuts: 100 (700)
  • Tortillia: 210 (910)
  • Rice and tofu: 300 (1210)

Protein @1300:

  • Banana: 100 (1310)
  • Pea protein: 100 (1410)

Snack @1600:

  • Pea protein: 100 (1510)
  • Fruit: 400 (1910)

Dinner @2100:

  • Vegan burger and fries: 1000 (2910)
Sat May 05 18:26:46 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 Morning routine
0830 Head to climbing
0900 Climbing
0930 Climbing
1000 Run home
1030 Shower
1100 PLANNING and Breakfast
1130 Diary time TV: Shaun Jen
1200 Diary time NAP
1230 NAP
1300 MTG at friend's 401k rollover to vanguard
1330 MTG at friend's 401k rollover to vanguard
1400 MTG at friend's
1430 MTG at friend's
1500 MTG at friend's
1530 MTG at friend's
1600 MTG at friend's
1630 MTG at friend's
1700 MTG at friend's
1730 MTG at friend's
1800 MTG at friend's
1830 MTG at friend's
1900 MTG at friend's
1930 MTG at friend's
2000 MTG at friend's
2030 MTG at friend's
2100 Head home MTG at friends's
2130 End of day routine MTG at friends's
2200 SLEEP Head home
2230 SLEEP End of day routine
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Sat May 05 20:47:09 UTC 2018

Ended up watching a video on YouTube.

Whate Every Girl Needs to Hear: A Response to Lauren Southern

Then I took my nap.

Then I decided I should roll over my T Rowe Price 401k from my previous employer to Vanguard, and I got the wheels spinning on that. The main reason to do this is because they have a fixed yearly fee... I think. There was some drama at my previous employer when it happened. Anyways, the amount I have in there isn't enough to justify that fee, so better to transfer it to a place with a relative fee.

Also, a good time to create a personal Vanguard account and start playing with that.

Daily Entry: May 4th, 2018

Fri May 04 15:40:13 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 10 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0430: 1 hour.
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
    • 0700: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0800
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0800
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Back to exercise. Still a little sick, maybe.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 30 minutes.
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Attempt. 1430. 15 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 2
Fri May 04 15:41:31 UTC 2018


  • @0800: 214.0 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Protein @0830:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Snack @0930:

  • Apple: 100 (300)
  • Avocado: 300 (600)
  • Bread: 140 (740)

Snack @1100:

  • Black bean chips: 170 (910)
  • Hummus: 150 (1060)
  • Banana: 100 (1160)
  • Mango: 100 (1260)

Cinco de mayo lunch @1200:

  • Vegan burritos: 1800 (3060)
  • Chips and salsa: 300 (3360)

Protein @2130:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3460)
  • Banana: 100 (3560)
Fri May 04 15:44:52 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 Laying in bed
0500 Laying in bed
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 Morning routine
0900 Run to work
0930 Start of work routine
1000 Organization
1030 Arb3 Test WIP PR
1100 Arb3 Test WIP PR
1130 Arb3 Test WIP PR
1200 Cinco de mayo lunch
1230 Cinco de mayo lunch Ping pong
1300 NAP buffer But why are things broken?
1330 Multidataset Test But why are things broken?
1400 Multidataset Test But why are things broken?
1430 Multidataset Test NAP
1500 Multidataset Test Arb3 Test WIP PR Aimless meandering
1530 Multidataset Test Arb3 Test WIP PR
1600 1:1 with David
1630 End of day review Arb3 Test WIP PR
1700 Run home Arb3 Test WIP PR
1730 Stretching/Shower Arb3 Test WIP PR
1800 Cooking Grocery shopping and Bus home
1830 Cooking Hanging out
1900 Eating
1930 Buffer
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Fri May 04 15:51:02 UTC 2018

Things haven't quite normalized enough for me to wake up and climb. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. Not sure why. Data, though.

I think tomorrow morning I'll climb to make up a bit for the lost week.

Have a calorie plan today! It'll shift throughout the day, but the plan being in place somehow helps me keep it updated throughout the day. Like the timeblock.

Time to run to work.

Fri May 04 17:09:16 UTC 2018

At work. Making sure that I reset my environment while organizing.

Daily Entry: May 3rd, 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 1 hour
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0500: 5 minutes.
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
    • 0700: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0800
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0900
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Still a bit sick
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 40 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • No
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 2
Fri May 04 01:59:53 UTC 2018


  • @0800: 215.0 lbs
  • @1800: 214.0 lbs

No calorie goals for today. Or counting. Tomorrow they should be back into the proper routine.

Fri May 04 02:00:46 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 Laying in bed
0830 Laying in bed
0900 Bus to work
0930 Deposit tax return check
1000 Multidataset Test
1030 Multidataset Test
1100 Multidataset Test
1130 Multidataset Test
1200 Interview Lunch
1230 Interview Lunch
1300 Multidataset Test
1330 Multidataset Test
1400 Multidataset Test
1430 Multidataset Test
1500 Multidataset Test
1530 Multidataset Test
1600 Seattle Demo
1630 Seattle Demo
1700 Multidataset Test
1730 Run home
1800 Grocery shopping
1830 Shower
1930 Eating
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Fri May 04 04:25:49 UTC 2018

This is the least damaging to my systems being sick has ever been. My regression was only slight in that I didn't plan the sick days nor count calories. I only browsed some time wasters a bit, and avoided Reddit completely, and all webcomics as well. I went to Twitter a bit, but not for more than 10 or so minutes in a day. And today I was back to better habits (though I did peruse some blogs a bit).

I had trouble sleeping last night (my heart would not stop beating hard and loud), but overall my sleep seems to have remained stable. Today I ran home without any real issue.

My diet stayed pretty good: no excess sugar or even excess. I had a lack of appetite.

Hopefully tomorrow things will be back to normal.

On Saturday, instead of an abstract "start project", I want to just think aloud in my diary and explore my thoughts. What structure that takes is up to Saturday morning me.

Time for TV.

Daily Entry: May 2nd, 2018

Wed May 02 18:04:35 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2215
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2215
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
    • 0630: 5 minutes.
    • 0700: 5 minutes.
    • 0800: 5 minutes.
    • 0900: 10 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 1000.
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 1000.
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Still sick.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 11 hours.
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • No
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 45 mg caffeine @1300 (venti decaf soy latte)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 2
Wed May 02 18:06:08 UTC 2018

Weight: 215.0 lbs


  • 2500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
Wed May 02 18:09:37 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 SLEEP
0900 SLEEP
0930 SLEEP
1000 Morning routine
1030 Bus to work
1130 Multidataset test
1200 Multidataset test Lunch
1230 Multidataset test Lunch
1300 Multidataset test
1330 Multidataset test
1400 Multidataset test
1430 Multidataset test
1500 Multidataset test Ping pong
1530 Multidataset test
1600 Multidataset test
1630 Multidataset test
1700 Bus home Multidataset test
1730 Grocery shopping? Ping pong
1800 Cooking? Bus home
1830 Cooking? TV: Overwatch
1900 Gaming: Overwatch TV: Overwatch
1930 Gaming: Overwatch TV: Game Grumps
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Wed May 02 18:29:35 UTC 2018

Still sick, but tired of being cooped up in the house with no energy. I have until the end of this week to finish test stuff.

WIP PR in the next half-hour.

Thu May 03 04:38:12 UTC 2018

Going to work was exactly what still slightly sick me needed. Felt pretty good and energizing.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to running to work, and Friday I'll be back to climbing, but I won't rush it.

Fri May 04 01:56:30 UTC 2018

Decided to delete calories, as I didn't really track the day.

Daily Entry: May 1st, 2018

Wed May 02 17:59:37 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • Many times. 30 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 1000
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 1000
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Sick
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 11 hours 30 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • No
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 7
Wed May 02 18:02:44 UTC 2018

Another sick day. No calorie counting or goals.

Wed May 02 18:03:07 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 SLEEP
0900 Laying in bed
0930 Sick day
1000 Sick day
1030 Sick day
1100 Sick day
1130 Sick day
1200 Sick day
1230 Sick day
1300 Sick day
1330 Sick day
1400 Sick day
1430 Sick day
1500 Sick day
1530 Sick day
1600 Sick day
1630 Sick day
1700 Sick day
1730 Sick day
1800 Sick day
1830 Sick day
1900 Sick day
1930 Sick day
2000 Sick day
2030 Sick day
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP

Daily Entry: April 30th, 2018

Tue May 01 03:47:20 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 10 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0500: 5 minutes.
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
    • 0630: 5 minutes.
    • 0700: 5 minutes.
    • 0725: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 1245
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 1300
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Sick.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 14 hours or so
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Slept all day. Kinda like a nap.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 9
Tue May 01 03:48:44 UTC 2018

Usually I put calories here. I could try to backlog everything I ate today, but eh. Sick days can be cheat days there. Definitely wasn't being too mindful of what I was eating, but I did manage to not eat anything with added sugar. So, that's quite a bit of progress.

Tue May 01 03:49:54 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 SLEEP
0900 SLEEP
0930 SLEEP
1000 SLEEP
1030 SLEEP
1100 SLEEP
1130 SLEEP
1200 SLEEP
1230 Laying in bed
1300 Sick day
1330 Sick day
1400 Sick day
1430 Sick day
1500 Sick day
1530 Sick day
1600 Sick day
1630 Sick day
1700 Sick day
1730 Sick day
1800 Sick day
1830 Sick day
1900 Sick day
1930 Sick day
2000 Sick day
2030 Sick day
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP

Daily Entry: April 29th, 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0500: 5 minutes.
    • 0530: 5 minutes.
    • 0600: 5 minutes.
    • 0625: 5 minutes.
    • 0655: 5 minutes.
    • 0725: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0755
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0900
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Lots of unusual social interaction?
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 30 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1415: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • @1030 15 mg caffeine (tall decaf soy latte)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 7
Sun Apr 29 16:38:42 UTC 2018

Protein @0800:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Breakfast @0900:

  • Watermelon: 100 (300)
  • Bagel: 260 (560)
  • Vegan cream cheese: 100 (660)
  • Peanut butter: 100 (760)

Starbucks @1030:

  • Decaf tall soy latte: 100 (860)

Snack @1200:

  • Samosa: 300 (1160)

Late lunch @1500:

  • Rice and potato quesadilla: 450 (1610)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (1680)
  • Watermelon: 200 (1880)
  • Banana: 200 (2080)

Dinner @1800:

  • Vegan fettuccine alfredo: 1000 (3080)

Protein @2100:

  • Vegan fettuccine alfredo: 500 (3580)
  • Banana: 100 (3280)
  • Strawberries: 50 (3330)
  • Waffles: 400 (3730)
Mon Apr 30 04:18:16 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 Laying in bed
0830 Laying in bed
0900 Day belongs to wife
0930 Day belongs to wife
1000 Day belongs to wife
1030 Day belongs to wife
1100 Day belongs to wife
1130 Day belongs to wife
1200 Day belongs to wife
1230 Day belongs to wife
1300 Day belongs to wife
1330 Day belongs to wife
1400 NAP
1430 Day belongs to wife
1500 Day belongs to wife
1530 Day belongs to wife
1600 Gaming: Majora's Mask
1630 Gaming: Majora's Mask
1700 Cooking
1730 Cooking
1800 Gaming: Overwatch
1830 Gaming: Overwatch
1900 Gaming: Overwatch
1930 Gaming: Overwatch
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 TV: YouTube
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: YouTube
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Mon Apr 30 04:20:17 UTC 2018

Pretty tired this morning. Just wanted to lay in bed. Also had a really solid nap at 1415. Hope my sleep is still stable.

Daily Entry: April 28th, 2018

Sat Apr 28 17:25:01 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2205
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2205
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 25 minutes.
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0500: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0600
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0630
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 7 hours 20 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1230: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 3
Sat Apr 28 17:25:46 UTC 2018


  • @0645: 214.8 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g processed sugar
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Breakfast @0730:

  • Ripple pea milk: 70
  • Waffle: 400 (470)
  • Peanut butter: 190 (660)
  • Strawberries: 50 (710)
  • Blackberries: 40 (750)

Second breakfast @1000:

  • Strawberries: 50 (800)
  • Blackberries: 25 (825)
  • Ripple pea milk: 105 (930)
  • Rice: 300 (1230)
  • Peanut butter: 100 (1330)
  • Bread: 140 (1470)
  • Vegan cream cheese: 100 (1570)
  • Doritos: 210 (1780)

Protein @1300:

  • Pea protein: 100 (1880)
  • Banana: 100 (1980)

Snacking at friend's @1700:

  • Chips: 500 (2480)
  • Hummus: 300 (2780)
  • Carrots: 50 (2830)
  • Apple: 150 (2980)

Protein @2100:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3080)
  • Banana: 200 (3280)
Sat Apr 28 17:28:46 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 Laying in bed
0630 Morning routine
0700 Thinking
0730 TV: YouTube
0800 TV: YouTube
0830 TV: YouTube
0900 Hanging with wife
0930 Hanging with wife
1000 Second breakfast
1100 Grocery shopping
1130 Personal project attempt
1200 Personal project attempt
1230 Personal project attempt NAP
1300 NAP Travel to MTG fun with friends
1330 Hanging out
1400 Travel to MTG fun with friends MTG fun with friends
1430 MTG fun with friends
1500 MTG fun with friends
1530 MTG fun with friends
1600 MTG fun with friends
1630 MTG fun with friends
1700 Travel home MTG fun with friends
1730 Cooking MTG fun with friends
1800 Cooking MTG fun with friends
1830 Eating MTG fun with friends
1900 Gaming: Majora's Mask MTG fun with friends
1930 Gaming: Majora's Mask MTG fun with friends
2000 Gaming: Majora's Mask MTG fun with friends
2030 Gaming: Majora's Mask Travel home
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Sat Apr 28 17:31:17 UTC 2018

Spent a good chunk of the morning watching YouTube instead of working on personal projects.... What this means is something I'll need to reflect on.

Sun Apr 29 04:23:24 UTC 2018

No project stuff today.... Try, try again and reflect on why I'm not doing things, I think.

Otherwise a cool, fun day. Lots of Magic: the Gathering.