Review of April 26th, 2017

Time limit to complete post: 10 minutes (I shouldn't have as much to say as this is a little late coming).

Pencils down at 21:12.

Reading the Day's Posts

Daily Entry

This daily entry more closely resembles what I want the daily entry to look like. Just quick logs of what I'm doing and plan to do throughout the day.

Still need to make problem-statements out of the HackerRank coding test problems I did.

Also, I have more problems to make. Should probably brainstorm them today.

Review of April 25th

There's some stats in that post that I simply won't have for this review.

Find and Replace Problem-Statement and Post-Mortem

Just a real-life problem I had to solve more than once and that I should be able to do without looking things up, I think.


No stats today, didn't properly log them. Should be a goal of the daily entry to log throughout day, but I didn't.

I'll try to be better, Stephan.