Daily Entry: May 10th, 2018

Thu May 10 16:19:34 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2215
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2300
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 5 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0730: 5 minutes.
    • 0800: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0830
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0845
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours 20 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • No
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 6
Thu May 10 16:20:35 UTC 2018


  • @0845: 213.8 lbs
  • @1800: 216.2 lbs


  • 3500 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)

Protein @0900:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Breakfast @1000:

  • Avocado: 150 (350)
  • Black bean chips: 170 (520)
  • Hummus: 150 (670)
  • Carrots: 20 (690)
  • Clementine: 35 (725)
  • Raspberries: 25 (750)

Snack @1200:

  • Mango: 300 (1050)
  • Salt and vinegar chips: 220 (1270)
  • Banana: 100 (1370)

Lunch @1300:

  • Thai: 1000 (2370)

Dinner @1930:

Protein @2100:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3170)
  • Blueberries: 100 (3270)
Thu May 10 16:23:10 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 SLEEP
0800 SLEEP
0830 Morning routine
0930 Walk to work
1000 Start of work routine
1030 Workspaces
1100 Unification Summit Meeting
1130 Unification Summit Meeting
1200 Lunch Snack
1230 Lunch Workspaces
1300 Workspaces Lunch
1330 Workspaces GCP Devbox Setup
1400 Workspaces Workspaces Standup
1430 Workspaces NAP Ping pong
1500 NAP 1:1 with Alex
1530 Workspaces 1:1 with Noj
1600 Workspaces Data Governance Meeting
1630 End of day review Data Governance Meeting
1700 Run home
1730 Stretching/Shower
1800 Cooking
1830 Cooking
1900 Eating and TV: Overwatch Cooking
1930 Gaming: Overwatch Eating
2000 Gaming: Overwatch TV: Rick and Morty
2030 TV: Jessica Jones TV: Rick and Morty
2100 TV: Jessica Jones Thinking
2130 End of day routine
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Thu May 10 18:22:45 UTC 2018

Back to some bad browsing habits today, I notice. Going to various blogs and stuff. Avoided Twitter and YouTube so far, though.

Let's not do any of it, though. Laptop is for work. That's it. If I want to read for break, I have various physical things in office to read.

Fri May 11 04:20:06 UTC 2018

My sleep has drifted to around 2300 bed time again. Going to try to address that today. I ended up skipping my nap today, so that'll be a data point to whether skipping the nap helps or hurts the process (I think it may actually hurt the process, but I have been significantly more tired since the original planned nap time).

Drawing in the notebook has been going pretty well... at work. Not doing it much at home, yet.

Last night, I tried watching some videos on my f.luxed phone whilst lying in bed before trying to sleep. That went pretty well, so I'm going to try again in the half-hour before bed.

Tomorrow, I pick up the the 4 Disciplines of Execution. A book I first heard about when listening to Deep Work, which is itself something I plan on relistening to eventually.

I had hoped to work on personal project stuff by now, but have not. Which, I'm just going to meditate on and continue pushing myself in a direction than is better than current me. And more reading of real books is definitely a good direction.

Time to wind down for bed.