Daily Entry: June 4th, 2018

Mon Jun 04 15:15:50 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2150
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 10 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • No
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0555
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0630
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 7 hours 40 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • No
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 7
Mon Jun 04 15:16:31 UTC 2018


  • 3000 calories
  • 20g added sugars
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours)


  • @0630: 215.8 lbs
  • @0800: 213.4 lbs

Protein @0630:

  • Soy protein: 110
  • Banana: 100 (210)

Breakfast @0900:

  • Nuts: 175 (385)
  • Ripple pea milk: 100 (485)
  • Black bean chips: 170 (655)
  • Hummus: 150 (805)
  • Banana: 100 (905)

Lunch @1200:

  • Apple: 100 (1005)
  • Bagel: 230 (1235)
  • Avocado: 300 (1535)
  • Ripple pea milk: 100 (1635)

Protein @1630:

  • Pea protein: 100 (1735)
  • Banana: 100 (1835)
  • Mango: 200 (2035)

Dinner @1800:

  • Vegan wellington: 400 (2435)
  • Fries: 300 (2735)

Protein @2100:

  • Soy protein: 110 (2845)
  • Mango: 200 (3045)
Mon Jun 04 15:18:37 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 Laying in bed
0630 Morning routine
0700 Climbing
0730 Shower
0800 Pomodoro: PLANNING Success
0830 Bus to work
0900 Pomodoro: Onboarding Welcome mentee
0930 Welcome mentee Devbox stuffs
1000 Pomodoro: Onboarding Devbox stuffs
1030 Pomodoro: Interview Prep Devbox stuffs
1100 Reverse Shadow Interview
1130 Reverse Shadow Interview
1200 Lunch
1230 Lunch
1300 Pomodoro: Postmortem Mentor stuffs
1330 Pomodoro: Postmortem Mentor stuffs
1400 NAP Seaprodeng Standup
1430 Pomodoro: Workspaces Mentor stuffs
1500 Pomodoro: Workspaces Mentor stuffs
1530 Pomodoro: Workspaces Mentor stuffs
1600 Pomodoro: Workspaces Mentor stuffs
1630 Run home Mentor stuffs
1700 Stretching/Shower Bus home
1730 Cooking Reverse shadow interview notes
1800 Eating
1830 Pomodoro: Web App Skeleton Pomdoro: Onboarding Success
1900 Pomodoro: Web App Skeleton Waiting on deploy
1930 Pomodoro: End of day review
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 Winding down
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Mon Jun 04 15:21:47 UTC 2018

Daily checklist:

  • Tickler DONE
  • Inbox DONE
  • Slack DONE
  • Digitize hand-written notes N/A
  • Update the diary post as necessary DONE
  • Review last year DONE
  • Review last month DONE
  • Review yesterday DONE
  • Review the Day N/A
  • Email SKIPPED
    • Inbox SKIPPED
    • Organize Actions SKIPPED
Mon Jun 04 15:25:10 UTC 2018

Last year, I was working on setting up a pygame development environment in WING IDE, I noticed that line breaks in my markdown posts were actually line breaks on the site (and looked really janky) and thus fixed the config. And I got distracted by Character Design Tips For Better Concept Art: 5 Step Process.

I had also recently brought my bike to Indiana from Tucson, and was riding it regularly.

Mon Jun 04 15:29:44 UTC 2018

Last month, I was still getting over being sick, but things were normalizing. Stuff I was working on at work suddenly weren't working. It was a frustrating day.

Mon Jun 04 15:33:36 UTC 2018

Yesterday belonged to the wife. We set out to see the first Starbucks (it was crowded so we planned to get coffee there Wednesday). I did some camera stuff with her because she wanted to get pics and video of her new shoes. We cooked vegan wellington (came out okay).

The weekend overall was pretty good.

Mon Jun 04 15:36:01 UTC 2018

Took too long to do things this planning! I'll organize inbox email during breaks today.

Tue Jun 05 02:37:36 UTC 2018

End of day review time.


  • Tickler DONE
  • Inbox DONE
  • Slack DONE
  • Digitize hand-written notes N/A
  • Update the diary post as necessary DONE
  • Review the Day DONE
  • Email DONE
    • Inbox DONE
    • Organize Actions DONE
Tue Jun 05 02:39:04 UTC 2018

The working day was 100% mentor stuff today. No pomodoros done at work, either. Just pomodoros at home (though they are work pomodoros). As my boss said, "This was to be expected."

Things went wrong with some stuff for my mentee. So, full putting-out-fires day.

I am hopeful that things will be in a good place for him tomorrow.

I am also hopeful that I will wake up at 0600 again tomorrow morning, and get a solid couple pomodoros into my base template web app before heading to work. I want this because the afternoon's pomodoros will be devoted to IGDA stuff.

Which reminds me, I should update my calendar with these things.

Tue Jun 05 02:59:26 UTC 2018

I need to start reviewing email before filling out the timeblock. Let's have my check list show up first thing in my daily posts.