Daily Entry: May 7th, 2017

Sun May 7 01:00:02 EDT 2017

Just did a bunch of HackerRank problems. I think it's time to work on projects I care about and/or am being paid to work on. Though, I guess the latter is a subset of the former because at the very least I'm being paid to care about them.

I recently got a check to work on one thing, so I should at least poke around there for a bit.

Sun May 7 01:04:23 EDT 2017

I need access to more things before I can do any more work there.

I'll send "my employer" an email soon to go over things. Maybe when I put that check in the bank.

Sun May 7 01:18:04 EDT 2017

I've decided I won't problem-statement and post-mortem problems from HackerRank. Unless I'm really inspired to. Would rather do real problems I need to solve.

Sun May 7 01:22:52 EDT 2017

Going to play around with Wing IDE and pygame stuff.

Sun May 7 01:48:58 EDT 2017

Got distracted via organizing email.

Sun May 7 02:09:12 EDT 2017

I just realized there's the rest of season 4 of Steven Universe to watch.

I must watch it.

I must watch it right now.

Sun May 7 22:15:08 EDT 2017

Did more HackerRank problems. I have discovered that I don't remember heaps very well.

Going to play some Overwatch.

Daily Entry: May 6th, 2017

Sat May 6 01:15:27 EDT 2017

Let's go ahead and do some hacker rank right now.

Did two easy problems really fast in Python.

Sun May 7 00:52:06 EDT 2017

Did a bunch of yard word today, and watched two episodes of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

I then did several HackerRank problems.

I did one problem three different ways because I was curious.

I'm thinking of a fourth (really a variation of the third solution).

Sun May 7 00:59:09 EDT 2017

Sat down and thought about it, and it wouldn't be a better solution than the final one I did.

Daily Entry: May 5th, 2017

Fri May 5 15:28:25 EDT 2017

Today may end up better than the past two days. Got some good sleep around the expected time, and whilst wasting my time on the Internet earlier a part of me kept nagging me that I want to build the habit of working on projects in whatever spare time I have, no matter how tiny.

But, first, time to go watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Fri May 5 23:50:05 EDT 2017

I have been corrected on my word usage. Regimen, not regiment. I figured it was a french word or something and the t was silent.

Time to sed fix that little mistake with sed!


Sat May 6 01:11:30 EDT 2017

So, not going to repeat problems anymore. Going to instead do lots of problems. If I hit a problem that takes me way longer than I anticipate, I will consider whether or not I'm biting off more than I can chew. If I am, I will save the problem for later.

Saving the problems I do and doing retrospectives/post-mortems are still things I should do.

They no longer need to be separate posts.

I may merge past posts if I feel like it.

I will start devoting 1 hour per day to HackerRank, as a part of my doing lots of problems plan.

I can work on gaining familiarity with how to solve similar problems via solving lots of problems.

It's like learning to speedrun rogue-likes.

Ideas on how to mutate problems may also be good. Also, keeping problems to solve again in a different language may too prove useful.

Sat May 6 01:14:41 EDT 2017

Oh, hey, it's Saturday now. Time to start a new post.

Daily Entry: May 4th, 2017

Thu May 4 21:53:14 EDT 2017

Being bad continues, with both disabling and now re-enabling my Browsing Costs extension.

I got into an argument on Reddit over a pretension of anti-censorship being used to be bigoted against non-binary folk.

I may talk about it here. I think it'd be smarter to talk about it here.

Thu May 4 21:55:36 EDT 2017

Messing with my natural sleep to go see My Fair Lady yesterday also messed with my general motivation and will-power today. Also, I slept a lot of today.

I'm hoping to be back to normal tomorrow.

I may even stretch and dance before sleeping, though I do have a bit of a headache growing, and a general funk that exercise may hurt.

Taking two whole days off from exercise isn't too bad, but I at most have been doing two days in a row of exercise before a break lately. I think I should stretch and try dancing and if I'm not feeling it, I can stop at any time.

Daily Entry: May 3rd, 2017

Wed May 3 09:25:32 EDT 2017

Before coming here, I went to YouTube and Reddit and FiveThirtyEight.

Wed May 3 09:25:52 EDT 2017

In about half an hour I'm going to go see My Fair Lady at a local theatre.

Daily Entry: May 2nd, 2017

Tue May 2 22:12:19 EDT 2017

Being bad again today.

But I'm at the phase where I'm not forgetting, I'm aware of what I should do but am making the wrong decision.

Similar to where my diet was at before finally being where I wanted it, more-or-less.

So, sign of progress, really. Just can't be complacent.

I told myself I should at least note that I'm being bad about logging in this here diary.


  • Ran 2 miles in 17:15
  • Danced 11 songs (skipped two easy-ish songs I didn't feel like)
  • Full stretch routine
  • Watched two episodes of Elementary
  • Watched Guardians of the Galaxy in preparation for the upcoming sequel
Tue May 2 22:14:34 EDT 2017

Now, I'm going to watch some YouTubes.

Friend Circles Problem-Statement

There are N students in a class. Some of them are friends, while some are not. Their friendship is transitive in nature, i.e., if A is friend of B and B is friend of C, then A is also friend of C. A friend circle is a group of students who are directly or indirectly friends.

You have to complete a function int friendCricles(char[][] friends) which returns the number of friend circles in the class. Its argument, friends, is a NxN matrix which consists of characters 'Y' or 'N'. If friends[i][j] = 'Y', then ith and *jth students are friends with each other, otherwise not. You have to return the total number of friend circles in the class. Note: The method signature will differ by language. For example, Java will have 'int friendCircles(String[] friends)' where "friends" is an array of strings, which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional array of chracters.


  • 1 <= N <= 300.
  • Each element of matrix friends will be 'Y' or 'N'.
  • Number of rows and columns will be equal in friends.
  • friends[i][i] = 'Y', where 0 <= i < N
  • friends[i][j] = friends[j][i], where 0 <= i < j < N

Input Format:

The function "friendCircles" contains a 2d string array "friends" as its argument.

Output Format:

Return a single integer denoting number of different circles that are present in the class.

Sample Input #00:






Sample Output #00:


Explanation #00:

Friend 4 is only friends with themself. Friends 1, 2, and 3 are in a friend circle together.

Sample Input #01:







Sample Output #01:


Explanation #01:

No student is friends with any other, so each friend circle will contain only one student {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}.



Review of April 26th, 2017

Time limit to complete post: 10 minutes (I shouldn't have as much to say as this is a little late coming).

Pencils down at 21:12.

Reading the Day's Posts

Daily Entry

This daily entry more closely resembles what I want the daily entry to look like. Just quick logs of what I'm doing and plan to do throughout the day.

Still need to make problem-statements out of the HackerRank coding test problems I did.

Also, I have more problems to make. Should probably brainstorm them today.

Review of April 25th

There's some stats in that post that I simply won't have for this review.

Find and Replace Problem-Statement and Post-Mortem

Just a real-life problem I had to solve more than once and that I should be able to do without looking things up, I think.


No stats today, didn't properly log them. Should be a goal of the daily entry to log throughout day, but I didn't.

I'll try to be better, Stephan.

Daily Entry: May 1st, 2017

Mon May 1 13:58:16 EDT 2017

I have a habit of hanging with family when waking up. So I'm starting this upstairs on my chromebook here.

Meaning I'm temporarily back to vim!

And it's a vim without any of my .vimrc.

Maybe I should just do emacs....

Mon May 1 14:06:02 EDT 2017

Emacs, woo!

I don't remember how to do anything!

Wait, I remember how to save (Ctrl-X Crtl-S).

Going to go out to eat with family.

Emacs may be a mistake. Perhaps I should create a training regimen for editors and IDEs before starting one.

Mon May 1 20:16:24 EDT 2017

Time to dance!

Mon May 1 20:53:49 EDT 2017

Kept it light today, as I've already eaten and am still quite full.

It's actually amazing that "light" now was almost too much about a month ago or so.

Mon May 1 20:54:18 EDT 2017

So, now starts the habit of coming here instead of going to YouTube or Reddit when I have momentary downtime.

Or, rather, now starts the attempt at cultivating such a habit.

I'll be showering soon, and afterwards I may be playing some Overwatch.

Just caught myself going to Five Thirty Eight.

Time to add that site to my "Premium Sites" list.

This reminds me, though, that I want to remake that extension. It's setup is flawed, I think. I gain currency to spend on the premium sites by not going there for periods of time. Perhaps it'd be better to gain currency by doing things I would like to do.

Mon May 1 20:59:51 EDT 2017

Let's review the days I haven't so far.

April 26th

This review is its own post.

It reminded me to log the things I should have logged so far throughout today:

  • 10 pull ups (with assistance).
  • 6 songs danced

April 27th

A nice, lazy day used to recharge.

April 28th

Another lazy day, but with exercise, kept stats.

April 29th

Lost to time. I honestly couldn't revive any proper memory of the day.

April 30th

"Properish" day is about right. Managed to do some productive web dev stuff for a friend. It ended up taking me longer than I anticipated, so I didn't review any of the things I would've liked to.

Took the day off from exercise as I had worked pretty hard the prior two days.

The web dev stuff I did could be made into a problem-statement for my training regimen, so I think I'll do that.

Mon May 1 21:15:36 EDT 2017

All right, so after shower, I will do some problem-statement construction.

I may also need to do some hard thinking on when I'll redo these problems.

Mon May 1 21:28:18 EDT 2017

Back from shower.

First instinct was to go to browser and maybe go to one of the usual sites. Not to note anything here.

Need to work on that.

Which this right here is a form of! Progress.

Mon May 1 21:30:12 EDT 2017

All right, I wanted to create about three problem-statements. Maybe more.

Let's do the two I did through HackerRank now.

Mon May 1 21:47:09 EDT 2017

Friend Circles Problem-Statement.

I will now play Overwatch. Tomorrow I'll do the other problem-statement, and hopefully one or two post-mortems.

Mon May 1 23:14:40 EDT 2017

Played Overwatch. Ate more.

Going to watch YouTube now.

Daily Entry: April 30th, 2017

Sun Apr 30 15:36:21 EDT 2017

Today should be a proper day.


I am starting later than I feel I should.

It'd be ideal to have the habit of opening up this post first thing.

Something to strive for.

Yesterday I didn't even create a post. Weekends can be pretty distracting. Everyone's home and there's errands and chores to be done.

Not a valid excuse, just an additional hurdle to overcome and plan for.

Sun Apr 30 15:37:48 EDT 2017

Other than productive things and project stuff, however, things have been going really well! Finally tackled some tickler items instead of throwing them to the future. Am fully planning to tackle more tomorrow (some have to be done on a weekday). My exercise regimen is becoming more consistent and slowly mutating to ever-more improvement along the things I care about.

My diet has been under control the last three days as well. I have once-again adopted the single-meal a day strat. During the non-meal part of the day, I can eat fruit and drink coffee (with the soy creamer I like). The first two days were hard, but now I am quite liking it.

It's pretty amazing, actually. There's this realization I have every once in a while that I am having once again. I have a craving and I know from experience that acting on that craving will do me no good. However, experience simply does not help by itself, for me. I need to craft a system from that experience to properly act on it.

So, the single meal strat helps me act on the various ways that being allowed to eat at any time of day hurts me.

But there's also the next realization that I have again and again. The system is a game. And, like any game, I will be bad at first. There's no real helping it, I just need to keep playing until I'm better.

Simple as that.

I can have various stepping stones and stuff, but failure will be a key part to a successful implementation of any system I wish to hire.

Sometimes, I'll move backwards. Sometimes I'll stop for a while and be rusty and bad at the system again.

It doesn't necessarily mean the system doesn't work (though it can mean that, I can always strive for better design).

Sun Apr 30 15:47:25 EDT 2017

So, I missed a few days of logging. That's fine. I'm glad I'm striving for it, and I hope to continue getting better at it.

Today, I want to review the days I haven't reviewed, and then do a "Weekly Review" of sorts, but it'll be all the days that I have reviewed so far.

Then, I have some projects to work on.

Sun Apr 30 16:24:02 EDT 2017

Bought some plane tickets first.

Sun Apr 30 16:24:08 EDT 2017

Okay, let's time-block this. I will be eating at 1800. I will work on some JavaScript stuff until 1700, and then do various diary things until 1800.

No promises on anything from 1800 to 2100.

At 2100, I'd like to time-block my remaining time.