Sun Aug 19 17:05:45 UTC 2018
- Sleep questions DONE
- Weight DONE
- Tickler DONE
- Physical Inbox DONE
- Email Inbox DONE
- Calendar SKIPPED
- Trello SKIPPED
- Calorie Plan DONE
- Fill timeblock DONE
- Digitize hand-written notes N/A
- Review last year DONE
- Review last month DONE
- Review last week BACKLOGGED
- Review yesterday DONE
- Review the Day SKIPPED
Sun Aug 19 17:05:55 UTC 2018
Morning sleep questions:
- Do you remember your dream?
- What time did you get into bed last night?
- What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
- How long did it take you to fall asleep?
- Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
- 0630: 5 minutes
- 0730: 5 minutes
- What time was your final awakening this morning?
- What time did you get out of bed?
- Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep?
(illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
- Headache and eye pain. Decided to sleep in.
- What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes?
(best estimate)
- Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
Evening sleep questions:
- Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
- Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How
much? When?
- Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much?
- @1200 30 mg caffeine (decaf soy latte)
- Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide
awake, 10 = very sleepy)
- What time did you start blocking blue light?
I dreamt a sequel to the last Avengers movie. There were time-travel
shenanigans, Deadpool, Thor, Spiderman, and lots of nonsense I can't quite
remember anymore.
Sun Aug 19 17:07:05 UTC 2018
Sun Aug 19 17:13:58 UTC 2018
Protein @0930:
- Soy protein: 110
- Banana: 100 (210)
Breakfast @1030:
- Banana pancakes: 500 (710)
Coffee @1200:
- Decaf soy latte: 150 (860)
Protein @1330:
- Pea protein: 110 (970)
- Banana: 100 (1070)
Movie snacks @1430:
Snack @1700:
Dinner @1800:
- Beans and rice: 600 (2220)
Protein @2130:
Sun Aug 19 17:15:23 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) |
Intention |
Revision 1 |
Revision 2 |
0000 |
0030 |
0100 |
0130 |
0200 |
0230 |
0300 |
0330 |
0400 |
0430 |
0500 |
0530 |
0600 |
0630 |
0700 |
0730 |
0800 |
Laying in bed |
0830 |
Laying in bed |
0900 |
Morning routine |
0930 |
TV: YouTube |
1000 |
Pomodoro: Planning |
1030 |
Time with wife |
Breakfast |
1100 |
Time with wife |
Bus to coffee |
1130 |
Time with wife |
Moore Coffee |
1200 |
Time with wife |
Moore Coffee |
1230 |
Time with wife |
Hang out at office |
1300 |
Time with wife |
Hang out at office |
1330 |
Time with wife |
Hang out at office |
1400 |
Movie: Christopher Robin |
1430 |
Time with wife |
Movie: Christopher Robin |
1500 |
Time with wife |
Movie: Christopher Robin |
1530 |
Time with wife |
Movie: Christopher Robin |
1600 |
Time with wife |
Bus home |
1630 |
Time with wife |
Snack |
1700 |
Time with wife |
Hanging |
1730 |
Time with wife |
1800 |
Time with wife |
Cooking |
1830 |
Time with wife |
Reading: Pragmatic Programmer |
1900 |
Pomodoro: Weekly Review |
Reading: Pragmatic Programmer |
1930 |
Pomodoro: Weekly Review |
Reading: Pragmatic Programmer |
2000 |
Time with Wife |
Pomodoro: Weekly Review |
2030 |
Time with Wife |
Pomodoro: Weekly Review |
2100 |
Pomodoro: End of day review |
2130 |
Winding down |
2200 |
2230 |
2300 |
2330 |
Sun Aug 19 17:17:01 UTC 2018
A year ago,
I started working on my "Japaense study helper" idea. It didn't get very far.
This is relevant, as I'm going to start working on this project again.
Timer remake... eh. Now that I don't want to spend personal project time using
panel, I feel the need to start over... again.
Hmmm.... But I need to practice finishing, and I will use the updated timer if
I get it to a working state.
If I continue to not do things, I will abandon the project come October, but
until then I will try to devote some time to the timer remake and finish it
using the stuff I'm already using (aka panel).
Mon Aug 20 03:09:42 UTC 2018
Been a while! Let's do a weekly review.
- Last weekly review READ
- Loose Papers
- Receipts YNAB'D
- Vision doctor business card APPOINTMENT REQUESTED ONLINE
- Last Epoch (Diablo clone) SPARK FILE
- Business card from woman who explained game to me at QUAKECON: EMAIL SENT
- Process Your Notes N/A
- Previous Calendar Dates DONE
- Upcoming Calendar DONE
- Review spending on YNAB DONE
- Review Various Online Lists
- Amazon wishlist DONE
- Library DONE
- Spark File UPDATED
- Someday/Maybe SKIPPED
- Review "Pending" and Support Files SKIPPED
- Read the week's diary posts SKIPPED
- Review "Projects" (and Larger Outcome) Lists SKIPPED
- Review "Next Actions" Lists SKIPPED
- Review "Waiting" Lists SKIPPED
- Empty Your Head SKIPPED
- Be creative and courageous SKIPPED
Mon Aug 20 03:32:35 UTC 2018
The numbers are in for how much Quakecon cost me and it was... $3,186.86.
Ouch? Not bad? This is my first time actually tracking this spending so I don't
know. Let's break it down:
- Air fare: $898.80
- Hotel: $760.50
- Rentals: $515.00
- BYOC: $177.32
- Food: $142.96
- Swag: $138.00
- Lyft: $136.12
- Games: $65.81
- Coffee: $52.35
Rentals I overspent by $150 by renting a big screen and... not being able to
use it. Hotel could've been cheaper, but then I would've had to return Sunday
night. Air fare... could've been bought earlier or with proper paying attention
or with attempting to use points. BYOC costs are not negiotiable by me. Swag
was worth the cost (even if a bit pricey for a mug and two hoodies). Lyft includes:
- Home to airport: $34.06
- Airport to hotel: $18.96
- Hotel to walmart: $16.65
- Walmart to hotel: $11.08
- Hotel to airport: $19.03
- Airport to home: $36.34
Technically, the lyfts for food are food expenses? Maybe I should mark it as such?
In any case, improvements will be made next year on rental costs. Swag will
also probably be less costly (though no promises). Game purchases are part of
the fun of Quakecon and if anything I should expect to spend around $100 (aka
allow more spending if the situation calls for it).
Coffee and food could probably be improved on. Hotel could be improved by $165
by leaving Sunday night. However... flights on Sunday cost more so it's a
balance there. And leaving on Monday was nicely stress-free. It's worth
considering whether or not it was worth it.
With better luggage, it'd be more reasonable to take public transit between my
home and SeaTac airport, saving about $65.
Buying flights at a smarter time could easily be half as expensive (looking at
cost of same flights now). Just waited too long.
Even with improvements, though, costs will probably be around $2500 minimum.
This is useful information.
I think I'll make budgeting $300 for Quakecon each month throughout the year a
part of my YNABing.
Mon Aug 20 04:02:46 UTC 2018
Noticed that the library hasn't kept tabs on the books I've checked out. So
I've updated the various lists they do track for me with the stuff I've checked
out (most of them went into a "Completed" list, but some aren't finished, so
they're in "For later" or "In progress").
That took up a lot of time, so had to skip a bunch of the weekly review. That's
okay. Better than nothing at all, and anything missed that's truly important
will find its way back to me eventually. Though, I still want to be better at
this going forward.
Part of being better is doing it, and part of doing it is making sure I want to
do it, and part of that is it not being too cumbersome or time-consuming to do.
Mon Aug 20 04:05:35 UTC 2018
End-of-day review time!
- Sleep questions DONE
- Weight SKIPPED
- Tickler DONE
- Physical Inbox DONE
- Email Inbox DONE
- Calendar DONE
- Trello DONE
- Calorie Plan DONE
- Fill timeblock DONE
- Slack DONE
- Digitize hand-written notes N/A
- Review last year DONE THIS MORNING
- Review last month DONE THIS MORNING
- Review last week DONE THIS MORNING
- Review yesterday DONE THIS MORNING
- Review the Day
- What have you been doing at work? N/A
- How's climbing going? N/A
- How're personal projects going? WEEKLY REVIEWS ARE BACK, BABY!
- Are there any insights you had today that are worth writing down? NO
- What have you been reading? DONE
- What have you been listening to? N/A
- What have you been watching? DONE
Mon Aug 20 04:20:20 UTC 2018
Reading today:
I'm quite enjoying the Pragmatic Programmer, Stephan. It has a list of goals
that inspired the second bit of reading there. Those goals are (from page 14
within section "Your Knowledge Portfolio"):
- Learn at least one new language every year
- Read a technical book each quarter
- Read nontechnical books, too
- Take classes
- Participate in local user groups
- Experiment with different environments
- Stay current
- Get wired
Good goals to give a go. I was curious about Haskell and WebAssembly, but I'm
willing to just dig deeper into TypeScript and React.js for "this year". Though
what constitutes "this year", I'm not sure.
C++ and WebAssembly are also worth considering, I think.
Mon Aug 20 04:27:07 UTC 2018
Watched today: various things. A bunch of videos by an anime YouTuber called
Mother's Basement.
Nothing really worth singling out, though.
Mon Aug 20 04:29:59 UTC 2018
I'm more confident in my decision to abandon using panel for personal projects.
I'll get the experience I need in it at work, where I can poke knowledgeable
people more easily. I still don't want to abandon my timer remake, however....
So I shall still have the October deadline and do some thinking once I have
IGDA admin stuff dealt with.