Daily Entry: April 17th, 2018

Tue Apr 17 16:22:18 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 30 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0415: 5 minutes.
    • 0530: 15 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0630
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0700
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Long nap?
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 7 hours 30 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1250: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 7
Tue Apr 17 16:25:30 UTC 2018

Food tracking:


  • 3000 calories
  • 20g processed sugar
  • 120g protein (20g protein every 3 hours)

Protein @0700:

  • Pea protein: 100
  • Banana: 100 (200)

Snack @0830:

  • Banana: 100 (300)
  • Clementine: 35 (335)

Breakfast @0930:

  • Hummus: 150 (485)
  • Black bean chips: 170 (655)
  • Toast: 140 (795)
  • Peanut butter: 95 (890)
  • Avocado: 300 (1190)
  • Nuts: 175 (1365)
  • Carrots: 20 (1385)

Lunch @1230:

  • Salt and Vinegar Chips: 220 (1605)
  • Hummus: 150 (1755)
  • Carrots: 20 (1775)
  • Banana: 100 (1875)
  • Nuts: 175 (2050)

Protein @1530:

  • Pea protein: 100 (2150)

Dinner @1530:

  • Bread: 140 (2290)
  • Banana: 200 (2490)
  • Pesto pasta with potatoes: 400 (2890)
  • Waffles: 400 (3290)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (3360)

Protein @2130:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3460)
Tue Apr 17 16:55:47 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 Laying in bed
0700 Morning routine
0730 Run to work
0800 Distracted meandering
0830 Reading
0900 Organization
0930 Breakfast
1030 Arb3 Query API Tests
1100 Arb3 Query API Tests
1130 Arb3 Query API Tests
1200 Arb3 Query API Tests
1230 Lunch
1300 NAP
1330 Social buffer
1400 Travel to doctor
1430 Doctor
1500 Doctor
1530 Travel to work
1600 Reading
1630 End of day review
1700 Run home
1730 Stretching/Shower
1800 Cooking
1830 Eating
1900 Reading
1930 Gaming: Overwatch
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine Gaming: Overwatch
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Tue Apr 17 17:05:07 UTC 2018

Really feeling the urge to waste time today. Just go through all the sites I used to go to and gourge on it. I did go to a few blogs, but have reeled myself in reminding myself that it doesn't energize, motivate, or otherwise make me happy.

Woke up a lot throughout the night last night. I did a lot of exercise yesterday, I wonder how related that is. I also had trouble falling asleep. The same trouble I had the night before. So, not the decaf latte's fault I had trouble on Sunday.

I may allow decaf back into diet.

If I nap for longer than a half-hour again, and have trouble sleeping tonight again, I'll stop napping for a bit until night-time stuff becomes normal again.

Tue Apr 17 23:34:23 UTC 2018

Spent reading block looking up vegan diet balance stuff. If I'm going to be climbing and running so much, might as well get as much out of that exercise as possible by having a good diet.

I keep making my task at work more difficult than it currently needs to be. I want to find some clever solution that solves the tediousness of porting old code to the new system, but there isn't some super clever solution. Just got to do some work.


Tomorrow. Today's done.

Wed Apr 18 02:02:30 UTC 2018

Read some more "The First 20 Hours". This is a book I may want to buy and use for reference. We'll see.

Daily Entry: April 16th, 2018

Mon Apr 16 16:54:41 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2210
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2210
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 30 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0515: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0630
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0650
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Just had trouble falling asleep for some reason. Brain was racing
    • Perhaps the decaf coffee had more caffeine than I thought?
      • Going to be stricter about caffeine for now
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 7 hours 45 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1410: 1 hour.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 3
Mon Apr 16 16:56:53 UTC 2018

Food tracking:


  • 2500 calories
  • 20g processed sugar
  • 120g protein (20g every 3 hours or so)

Morning protein (@0730):

  • Banana: 100
  • Protein powder: 100 (200)

Arriving at work snack (@0900):

  • Banana: 100 (300)
  • Apple: 100 (400)
  • Blueberries: 100 (500)

Protein @1030:

  • Hummus: 150 (650)
  • Celery: 20 (670)
  • Black bean chips: 170 (840)
  • Nuts: 175 (1015)
  • Peanut butter: 95 (1110)
  • Clementine: 35 (1145)

Lunch @1200:

  • YardHouse: 800 (1845)

Protein @1500:

  • Pea protein: 100 (1945)
  • Banana: 200 (2145)
  • Clementime: 35 (2180)
  • Raspberries: 100 (2280)

Dinner @1900:

  • Nachos: 1000 (3280)
  • Banana: 100 (3380)
  • Ripple pea milk: 70 (3450)

Protein @2100:

  • Pea protein: 100 (3550)
  • Strawberries: 50 (3600)
Mon Apr 16 17:05:47 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 Laying in bed
0700 Morning routine
0730 Bouldering
0800 Bouldering
0830 Run to work
0900 Snack/Shower
0930 Reading
1030 Arb3 Query API Testing
1100 Arb3 Query API Testing
1130 Walk to lunch
1200 Lunch
1230 Lunch
1300 Yoga Thingy
1330 Yoga Thingy
1400 NAP and Sea ProdEng Standup
1430 Arb3 Query API Testing NAP
1500 Arb3 Query API Testing Wow I'm Tired
1530 Arb3 Query API Testing
1600 Reading
1630 End of day review Run home
1700 Run home Stretching
1730 Stretching/Shower Hanging out
1800 Cooking Shower
1830 Cooking
1900 Dinner
1930 Gaming: Overwatch
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Mon Apr 16 17:19:42 UTC 2018

I'm pretty physically tired after climbing this morning before coming to work. It may take some getting used to.

Mon Apr 16 17:44:54 UTC 2018

Time to focus on work.

Tue Apr 17 04:26:08 UTC 2018

I needed a lot of food today.

Tue Apr 17 04:31:47 UTC 2018

Checked out a new book from the library today: The First 20 Hours.

I was bad about listing out what I read today. I actually tackled some of my reading list in my emails. And that means some links I emailed myself.

I have rediscovered my love for Nicky Case.

I'll work on being better at the live journaling thing that I so enjoy.

Gluten Free Vegan Waffle Recipe

Dry ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup oat flour
  • 1/2 cup sweet rice flour
  • 1/3 cup tapioca flour
  • 1/3 cup potato starch
  • 1/2 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • (optional) 1/4 tsp salt
  • (optional) dash of cloves
  • (optional) 1 tbsp sugar

Wet ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup vegan butter
  • 1 and 1/4 cups vegan milk
  • 1 tsp vanillia

Mix dry ingredients together, then mix in wet ingredients. Put batter in freezer while waffle iron heats up.

Batter usage depends on waffle iron. So does calories. Total calories of entire recipe is about 1000 calories.

Daily Entry: April 15th, 2018

Sun Apr 15 14:55:47 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2145
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2145
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0515: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0730
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0730
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Physically exhausted via rock climbing
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours 25 minutes.
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1530: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 30 mg caffeine @1150 (decaf soy latte)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • No
Sun Apr 15 14:59:14 UTC 2018

Food tracking:


  • 2500 calories
  • 20g processd sugar
  • 120g protein

Breakfast (@0830):

  • Breakfast burrito: 400
  • Banana: 200 (600)
  • Waffle: 200 (800)
  • Strawberries: 50 (850)

Starbucks (@1150):

  • Decaf soy latte: 300 (1150)

Lunch (@1500):

  • Sandwich: 400 (1550)
  • Fries: 300 (1850)

Dinner (@1900):

  • Pasta: 600 (2450)

Snack (@2100)

  • Protein shake: 100 (2550)
Sun Apr 15 16:29:26 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 Morning routine
0800 Cooking
0830 Breakfast
0900 Cooking
0930 Gaming: Overwatch
1000 Hanging out
1030 Bus to UW
1100 Are there still cherry blossoms?
1130 Starbucks?
1200 Adventure
1230 Adventure
1300 Adventure
1330 Adventure
1400 Bus home
1430 Lunch
1500 Buffer
1530 NAP
1600 Day belongs to wife
1630 Day belongs to wife
1700 Day belongs to wife
1730 Day belongs to wife
1800 Day belongs to wife
1830 Day belongs to wife
1900 Dinner
1930 Day belongs to wife
2000 Day belongs to wife
2030 Day belongs to wife
2100 Day belongs to wife
2130 Day belongs to wife
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Sun Apr 15 16:39:41 UTC 2018

Today we'll go see if there's any cherry blossoms left. We were gone during the proper time to go see them. We'll see if there's anything to see and we'll make sure next year to catch them properly.

Sun Apr 15 16:53:10 UTC 2018

I figure I could post some of my regular recipes here on my diary.

Sun Apr 15 23:03:04 UTC 2018

Not sure if I napped while laying down today. Perhaps that venti decaf 4 hours ago had too much caffeine in it. In either case, it still feels very good to lay down for a half-hour in the middle of my day.

Daily Entry: April 14th, 2018

Sat Apr 14 14:12:31 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 30 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0500: 10 minutes
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0645
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0645
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 5 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1430: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No.
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @1130 (decaf soy latte)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 6
Sat Apr 14 14:13:49 UTC 2018

Food tracking:


  • Calories: 2500
  • Processed sugar: 20g


  • @0700 Banana: 100

Breakfast (@0930):

  • Waffles: 750 (850)
  • Strawberries: 50 (900)
  • Banana: 200 (1100)

Starbucks (@1130):

  • Decaf unsweetened soy latte: 200 (1250)

Lunch (@1200):

  • Fries: 300 (1550)
  • Falafel: 200 (1750)
  • Bread: 140 (1890)
  • Tomato: 20 (1910)
  • Banana: 100 (2010)

Dinner (@1900):

  • Burrito: 1000 (3010)
  • Banana: 100 (3110)
  • Ripple pea protein milk: 70 (3180)
  • Oatmeal banana pea protein smoothie: 550 (3730)
Sat Apr 14 14:19:53 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 Morning routine
0730 Seattle Bouldering Project
0800 Seattle Bouldering Project
0830 Stretching/Shower
0900 Cooking
0930 Breakfast
1000 Walk to work Shower
1030 Walk to work TV: Game Grumps
1100 Arb3 Query API Tests Bus with wife
1130 Arb3 Query API Tests Starbucks
1200 Lunch Starbucks
1230 Arb3 Query API Tests Starbucks
1300 Arb3 Query API Tests Starbucks
1330 Starbucks Bus home Target
1400 Starbucks Lunch Bus home
1430 Bus home NAP
1500 NAP Lunch
1530 Gaming: Overwatch
1600 Gaming: Overwatch
1630 Gaming: Overwatch
1700 Gaming: Overwatch
1730 Buffer Gaming: Overwatch
1800 Cooking Gaming: Overwatch
1830 Cooking Gaming: Overwatch
1900 Dinner
1930 Diary thinking TV: Overwatch
2000 Diary thinking TV: Overwatch
2030 Diary thinking TV: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet Laying in bed
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Sat Apr 14 14:26:13 UTC 2018

Let's go get a membership at Seattle Bouldering Project!

Sat Apr 14 17:57:49 UTC 2018

Wow, an hour of climbing is really exhausting.

Sun Apr 15 02:44:39 UTC 2018

I think specific calorie goals don't need to be a thing whilst I build up climbing muscles. As long as the food itself is properly nutrious (which I think it is). I will still count because useful.

Actually, no. I like calorie goals, I'm just not too upset that I went way over today after a solid rock climbing morning.

Daily Entry: April 13th, 2018

Fri Apr 13 14:37:25 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 5 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0300: 5 minutes.
    • 0515: 5 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0630
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0635
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Got tired much earlier in the day than usual
    • Had some important conversations
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 15 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1430: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No.
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @0730 (Brew Dr. Kombuncha)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 1
Fri Apr 13 14:40:18 UTC 2018

Food tracking:


  • Calories: 3000
  • Sugar: 20g

Breakfast (@0730):

  • Dr Brew's Kombucha: 60
  • Banana: 100 (160)
  • Peanut butter: 190 (350)
  • Celery: 30 (380)
  • Nuts: 175 (555)

Lunch (@1200):

  • Falafel: 200 (755)
  • Hummus: 150 (905)
  • Bread: 140 (1005)
  • Fries: 300 (1145)
  • Apple: 100 (1245)
  • Seaweed: 25 (1270)


  • @1400 Plant-based milk: 160 (1430)

Dinner (@1900)

  • Vegan nachos: 1000 (2430)
  • Banana: 100 (2530)
  • Strawberries: 100 (2630)
Fri Apr 13 15:36:12 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 Morning routine
0700 Run to work
0730 Breakfast
0800 Reading
0900 Arb3 Query API Tests
0930 Arb3 Query API Tests
1000 Arb3 Query API Tests
1030 Arb3 Query API Tests
1100 SST Standup
1130 Arb3 Query API Tests
1200 Lunch
1230 Ferris Wheel Climbing shoes
1300 Ferris Wheel Climbing shoes
1330 Mandatory training Belt
1400 Mandatory training
1430 NAP
1500 Reading Ping pong
1530 End of day review
1600 Run home
1630 Stretching/Shower
1700 Gaming: N64 Grocery shopping
1730 Gaming: N64 Cooking
1800 Cooking
1830 Cooking
1900 Eating
1930 Gaming: Overwatch Gaming: Diddy Kong Racing
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Fri Apr 13 15:41:04 UTC 2018

Actually woke up before 0700 today! 0630. That's pretty close to the goal of 0600.

Still wasting a bit of my morning at work. I'm doing some morning reading, which is good, I guess. I'd like to devote times where I have less energy to reading. Like maybe after lunch before my nap?

Anyways, my reading this morning was finishing Mad Fientist - Valuable Lessons from My First Year of Freedom.

A link in there was to one of the Mad Fientist's podcasts about starting a business, which I'll try listening to while I work (might not be a good strat).

Daily Entry: April 12th, 2018

Thu Apr 12 15:38:03 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2215
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2215
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes.
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0155: 5 minutes
    • 0400: 5 minutes
    • 0600: 5 minutes
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0715
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0715
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Went bouldering yesterday. Extra exercise and soreness in unusual areas
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 30 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • 1430: 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @0830 (Brew Dr. Kombuncha)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 1 until 1700
    • 7 after 1700
Thu Apr 12 15:41:39 UTC 2018

Food tracking:

Calorie goal for day: 3000

Additional goal: 20 grams or less processed sugar

Breakfast (@0830)

  • Carrots + hummus: 170
  • Dr Brew's Kombucha: 60 (230)
  • Banana: 100 (330)
  • Nuts: 175 (505)
  • Clementine: 35 (540)


  • @1100 Apple: 100 (640)

Lunch (@1200)

  • Thursday Lunch: goal of 1000 (1640)


  • @1800 Salt and vinegar chips: 300 (1940)
  • @1815 Banana: 100 (2040)
  • @1815 Bread: 280 (2320)
  • @1815 Vegan cheese: 240 (2560)

Dinner (@1900)

  • Corn chips: 500 (3160)
Thu Apr 12 16:09:46 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 Morning routine
0800 Run to work
0830 Sparkfile fill in
0900 Organizing
1000 Tests thru Arb3
1030 Tests thru Arb3 Distracted socializing
1100 Tests thru Arb3 Distracted socializing
1130 Tests thru Arb3
1200 Thursday Lunch
1230 Thursday Lunch
1300 Thursday Lunch
1330 Tests thru Arb3
1400 Tests thru Arb3
1430 NAP
1500 1:1 with Alex
1530 1:1 with Noj
1600 Reading Ping pong
1630 End of day review Distracted chatting
1700 Run home Distracted chatting
1730 Stretching/shower Run home
1800 Cooking Eating
1830 Cooking Talk with wife
1900 Eating Shower
1930 Gaming: Overwatch Cooking
2000 Gaming: Overwatch Cooking
2030 Gaming: Overwatch Gaming: FTL
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Thu Apr 12 16:48:21 UTC 2018

I should've made time for shallow work later in day. My brain was feeling great, and now it's normal. Discipline to choose what to focus my energy on is a goal.

Thu Apr 12 17:39:07 UTC 2018

Timeblock for day was flawed, forgot to add on meetings.

Thu Apr 12 18:26:13 UTC 2018

Lots of talking at work today. Switching to music, need to focus.

Listening to Chemical Reaction - Sonic 2 Remix.

Thu Apr 12 20:34:18 UTC 2018

Read The Man Who Knew Too Little.

Updated my Spark File. Not using it correctly. It's becoming a list of entertainment plans, kinda. With some non-entertainment things. Maybe better to put some of that stuff into an actions system. But I don't like my current action system (email). Because it's ordered chronologically.

Now it's time to get back to work.

Fri Apr 13 02:34:37 UTC 2018

Got distracted chatting at work and then talking with my wife when I got home. Reassessing the timeblock.

I suddenly really want sugar. But I know any amount I eat will not satiate me. It will not make me happy. I will not eat it.

I may go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of fruit.

Fri Apr 13 14:35:04 UTC 2018

I did not go buy a bunch of fruit. I should do that today, though. Gots a weekend ahead of me, afterall. Anyways, time to make tomorrow's post (today from my current perspective).

Daily Entry: April 11th, 2018

Wed Apr 11 15:57:05 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2200
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2200
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 10 minutes.
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • 0510: 5 minutes.
    • 0610: 15 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0730
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0730
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • No
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Yes. Once. 1540. 20 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @0900 (Brew Dr. Kombuncha)
    • 15 mg caffeine @1615 (decaf coffee 8 oz)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 1
Wed Apr 11 15:59:12 UTC 2018

Food tracking:

Calorie goal for day: 3000

Additional goal: 20 grams or less processed sugar

Unplanned foods:

  • @0900 Carrots + hummus: 170
  • @0900 Dr Brew's Kombucha: 60 (230)

Breakfast foods @1030:

  • Banana: 100 (330)
  • Nuts: 175 (515)

Lunch foods @1200:

  • Black bean chips: 170 (675)
  • Avocado: 235 (910)
  • Bagel: 230 (1130)
  • Peanut butter: 190 (1320)
  • Apple: 100 (1420)

Dinner foods @1800:

  • Vegan mac and cheese: 750 (2170)
Wed Apr 11 16:04:48 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 Morning routine
0800 Run to work
0830 Breakfast
0930 Forcing Arb3 Test
1000 Forcing Arb3 Test
1030 Forcing Arb3 Test
1100 Forcing Arb3 Test
1130 Forcing Arb3 Test
1200 Lunch
1230 Lunch
1300 Forcing Arb3 Test Something's broken
1330 Forcing Arb3 Test Something's broken
1400 Forcing Arb3 Test Something's broken
1430 Forcing Arb3 Test Socializing
1500 Social buffer Something's broken
1530 NAP
1600 End of day review Forcing Arb3 Test
1630 Run home
1700 Head to climbing
1730 Seattle Bouldering Project
1800 Seattle Bouldering Project
1830 Head home
1900 Stretching/Shower
1930 Eating
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet TV: Overwatch
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Wed Apr 11 16:37:02 UTC 2018

Listening to Rare Respite - Donkey Kong Country 2 Remix on endless repeat while I work.

Wed Apr 11 17:47:31 UTC 2018

Unsweetened, caffeine-free tea is delicious, Stephan. But you already knew that.

I'm waiting on a response before I do something.

Wed Apr 11 18:06:48 UTC 2018

Reading: "The Door Problem" of Game Design

I have received response, back to work.

Wed Apr 11 20:09:43 UTC 2018

Lunch went well, back to work.

Wed Apr 11 20:19:52 UTC 2018

Something's broken. Switching task.

Wed Apr 11 22:23:11 UTC 2018

Waiting for fix to deploy.

Reading 2018 stack overflow Developer Survery Results.

Thu Apr 12 04:18:07 UTC 2018

You may notice today, Stephan, that there is no TV: YouTube in my timeblock. I will not be watching YouTube anymore. Well, not by myself. There's some stuff I walk with the wife that I will continue doing. I'll properly label that with "TV: Overwatch" or "TV: Game Grumps". I'll go to YouTube for a specific purpose and not to browse.

I also will not be getting on Twitter again. The people I followed, as much as I liked them meeting in person, are not growing to be deeper friends via my interactions with Twitter.

I don't shout out to the world, Stephan. And as much as I developed a liking to listening to those that do, places like Twitter and Facebook and, well, social media are not right fits for me.

I DM people. I group chat, maybe, but less frequently than DM.

And this place. This place is for me. I open others to stop by if they so desire, and I may focus on being better at letting others digest my thinking, but this place is for me. This place is an ongoing conversation with myself.

And that's fine. That's good.

Right now, I want to focus on me. And then as I address the things that need addressing, I can focus on what I want to do, and how inevitably that means sharing what I want to do with others.

But that's not right now.

It doesn't need to be.

Daily Entry: April 10th, 2018

Tue Apr 10 16:27:05 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2215
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2215
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • Yes. Once. 10 minutes.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0715
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0730
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Feeling pretty good. Back to running to/from work.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 8 hours 45 minutes
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Yes. Once. 1530. 30 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No.
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @0930 (Brew Dr. Kombuncha)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 1
Tue Apr 10 16:35:01 UTC 2018

Food tracking:

Calorie goal for day: 2500

Additional goal: 20 grams or less processed sugar

Unplanned foods:

  • @0900 Carrots + hummus: 170
  • @0900 Banana: 100 (270)
  • @0930 Dr Brew's Kombucha: 60 (330)
  • @0930 Clementine: 35 (365)

Unplanned foods:

  • @1110 Nuts: 175 (540)
  • @1120 Apple: 100 (640)

Lunch-time foods (@1200):

  • Bean chips and guac: 270 (910)
  • Raspberries: 100 (1010)
  • Peanut butter toast: 340 (1350)

Unplanned foods:

  • @1615 Carrots + hummus: 170 (1520)
  • @1615 Jalepeno Chips: 220 (1740)

Theatre food (@1645)

  • Popcorn: 300 (2040)

Dinner-time foods (@2000)

  • Mac and teese: 500 (2540)

Unplanned food (@2000)

  • Crackers: 500 (3040)
Tue Apr 10 16:45:34 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP Momentary wake-up
0630 SLEEP
0700 Laying in bed
0730 Morning routine
0800 Run to work
0830 Drying off
0900 Breakfast
1000 Tests thru Arb3
1030 Tests thru Arb3
1100 Tests thru Arb3
1130 Tests thru Arb3
1200 Lunch and CS Papers
1230 Lunch and CS Papers
1300 Tests thru Arb3
1330 Tests thru Arb3
1400 Test demo??? No
1430 SST Planning Weekly Quick 1:1 with Evan
1500 Social buffer Reading: Study Hacks
1530 NAP
1600 End of day review
1630 Walk to theatre
1700 Movie: Quiet Place
1730 Movie: Quiet Place
1800 Movie: Quiet Place
1830 Movie: Quiet Place
1900 Movie: Quiet Place Bus home
1930 Bus home Eating
2000 Eating Gaming: Overwatch Gaming: Diddy Kong Racing
2030 Gaming: Overwatch Gaming: Diddy Kong Racing
2100 Gaming: Overwatch
2130 End of day routine
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Tue Apr 10 17:18:31 UTC 2018

Just had a thought re: calorie goal. Instead of counting up my calories, I should count them down. A number going down feels worse than a number going up, Stephan. That's just science.

Wait, is it science? Makes it less a joke if it is science.

Quick google search result yields nothing.

Daily Entry: April 9th, 2018

Mon Apr 09 16:03:41 UTC 2018

Morning sleep questions:

  • What time did you get into bed last night?
    • 2215
  • What time did you turn everything off and try to fall asleep?
    • 2215
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you wake up during the night? How often? How long were you awake total?
    • No.
  • What time was your final awakening this morning?
    • 0730
  • What time did you get out of bed?
    • 0730
  • Did anything unusual happen yesterday that might have affected your sleep? (illness, disturbances, emotional stress, etc.)
    • Was pretty tired yesterday, overall.
  • What is the total amount of time you slept last night in hours and minutes? (best estimate)
    • 9 hours
  • Did you take any medication that might have affected your sleep? What? When?
    • No

Evening sleep questions:

  • Did you nap today? How many times? When? How long?
    • Yes. 1515. 45 minutes.
  • Did you consume any medicine that you do not take on a daily basis? What? How much? When?
    • No
  • Did you have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages today? What? How much? When?
    • 15 mg caffeine @0900 (Brew Dr. Kombuncha)
  • Please rate your average sleepiness today on a scale of 1 - 10. (1 = wide awake, 10 = very sleepy)
    • 2
Mon Apr 09 16:05:03 UTC

Food tracking:

Calorie goal for day: 2500

Additional goal: 20 grams or less processed sugar

Unplanned foods:

  • @0900 Carrots + hummus: 170
  • @0900 Dr Brew's Kombucha: 60 (230)

1st Meal (@0915)

  • Banana: 100 (330)
  • Apple: 100 (430)

Kickstart Monday (@1000)

  • Smoothie: 400 (830)

2nd Meal (@1200)

  • Bean chips and guac: 270 (1100)
  • Blueberries: 100 (1200)

Unplanned foods:

  • @1600 Nuts: 175 (1375)
  • @1600 Clementine: 30 (1405)

Unplanned foods:

  • @1800 Crackers: 500 (1905)

3rd Meal (@1900)

  • Mac and teese: 550 (2455)
  • Fries: 300 (2755)
  • Falafel: 245 (3000)

Unplanned foods:

  • @1900 Pineapple: 100 (3100)
Mon Apr 09 16:55:08 UTC 2018
Time (PDT) Intention Revision 1 Revision 2
0000 SLEEP
0030 SLEEP
0100 SLEEP
0130 SLEEP
0200 SLEEP
0230 SLEEP
0300 SLEEP
0330 SLEEP
0400 SLEEP
0430 SLEEP
0500 SLEEP
0530 SLEEP
0600 SLEEP
0630 SLEEP
0700 SLEEP
0730 Morning routine
0800 Walk to work
0830 Walk to work
0900 Breakfast
1000 Kickstart Mondays Tests thru Arb3
1030 Kickstart Mondays Something's broken
1100 OpsLead Task Tests thru Arb3
1130 OpsLead Task Tests thru Arb3
1200 Lunch
1230 Lunch Ping pong
1300 OpsLead Task Tests thru Arb3
1330 OpsLead Task Something's broken
1400 Seattle Prodeng Standup
1430 Tests thru Arb3 TV: YouTube
1500 Tests thru Arb3 NAP
1530 NAP
1600 Tests thru Arb3
1630 End of day review Tests thru Arb3
1700 Run home
1730 Stretching and Shower
1800 Cooking
1830 Cooking
1900 Eating
1930 Gaming: Overwatch
2000 Gaming: Overwatch
2030 Gaming: Overwatch WiFi troubleshooting
2100 End of day routine
2130 TV: Santa Clarita Diet
2200 SLEEP
2230 SLEEP
2300 SLEEP
2330 SLEEP
Mon Apr 09 17:41:11 UTC 2018

Didn't need to devote the whole hour to kickstart Monday.

I can start doing work-work now.

Mon Apr 09 19:16:35 UTC 2018

2nd meal went according to plan.

Finished early. Going back to work.

Mon Apr 09 19:20:18 UTC 2018

Oh, yeah. Dentist. Need to find one. Moving that to Wednesday.

Ping pong instead.

Mon Apr 09 20:11:46 UTC 2018

Feeling really good after some ping-pong. Let's do some work.

Mon Apr 09 20:43:27 UTC 2018

Distrated by page.

Back to work.

Mon Apr 09 21:09:05 UTC 2018

Stand-up ended early. Back to work.

Mon Apr 09 21:20:44 UTC 2018

Feeling tired. Nap time soon.

Tue Apr 10 03:51:55 UTC 2018

Mostly stuck to plan, but was getting really tired up to my scheduled nap time. Also, had a weird experience during my nap wherein when I fell asleep it was like I forgot to breathe in, thus waking up and leading me to consciously breathe in. I was never out of breath when this happened, though. Also, the nap was still quite revitalizing. Something to mention next time I see sleep doctor (noted).

Also, in general today I feel great. I think this is the beginning of building tons of momentum. Gots to build the mental pathways for the things I want to make a habit. Excited to do it, Stephan. Even rereading Getting Things Done a bit.

Tue Apr 10 03:56:10 UTC 2018

Getting me some chalmomile tea. I find myself missing coffee. Even though I'm trying to go sugar-free. I wouldn't mind black coffee. Trying to switch to the caffeine free teas to fix that.

I was pretty good about journaling as I went about my day today. I just did the majority of it in my work file.

I could still be better about it.

Tue Apr 10 04:07:05 UTC 2018

I am now keeping Twitter and YouTube on my premium sites list. They cost imaginary currency now. Currency that I can spend, but will run out of if I gourge.